010 Rack Off

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𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣: ℝ𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕆𝕗𝕗

"Did you hear about Amerie"? Anthony asked me on our way to SLTs. I was so hoping it wasn't drama related. Ams is my girl. I don't think she could handle another scandal. "No, why? Is it bad"? "No, she and new kid got it on apparently". Which is so weird considering she had a celibacy vow. "Oh, why do you care?" I asked him. "I don't, I was just telling you." "Oh, well what are you doing for Mardi Gras?" I ask him. "I don't know if I was going" "Well you are now", I tell him, "But Darren is having pres at theirs". "So you want me to go he asks" as we enter the classroom and sit down. "Not necessarily, but after we could meet up?" "Alright we'll be there" Ant answered with a smile and a kiss to my cheek. And of course he says "we" because why would he show up anywhere without either of his boyfriends.

Jojo had some police officers or something come to teach the class. One who's name I can't be bothered to remember, seemed to have peaked in high school. The other, seemed to not have and wanted to seem "cool" to my age group. We got split up boys and girls, (Darren chose to leave with the girls) to I guess do a workshop.

"This program is a young woman's guide to survival. We call it... rack off. Sexual assault is a sad reality for far too many young women. And Rack Off is designed to equip you with the tools and the knowledge to assist in preventing it..." The "peaked in high school" guy starts.

I cant' help but wonder what the guys are learning about. Or if they're "learning" anything with that weird guy.

"... So now you know the psychology of an offender, their selection process... it's time to learn how to get them to..." "Rack Up" Darren asked with a confused look on their face. "Rack off", the officer says. "Uh, so now I'm going to demonstrate some simple self-defense moves that you can practice on each other. So who wants to volunteer?" he asks. And of course none of us raised our hands.

He called on Harper in the back, when he did, she looked like a deer in headlights. He grabbed her arm and started teaching us what to do. I couldn't help but notice that she actually looked... scared? She grabbed her lighter and burned him. I just looked at her in shock. She ran off with Missy chasing her. That's when Jojo brought both groups back in the classroom.

To the girls (and Darren's) discovery, we found out that the boys didn't get anywhere close to what we were taught. I don't even think they were taught anything close to sexual literacy.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ... •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"Hello my loves, what are we talking about?" I ask as I enter Darren's place with Mila. "About how straight men are the worst". Darren says. "Lesbians aren't that easy to deal with either". Quinni adds. "Everybody sucks" Amerie states. "Except us" Quinni realizes. "Yesss I know that's right mamma" I yell. "You know how I feel about people that aren't us." Darren says. Causing Mila and I to laugh.

There's knocking and Darren goes to answer it. After a little while I go to check who's at the door. I grab their shoulders and lean around them to see who's at the door. "Who is it" Amerie yells from the back. "Oh. Just those nice boys we weren't totally just talking shit about". I went back inside when Malakai entered. "If I had known we were bringing our partners I wouldn't have told Ant I'd meet him there" I say plopping on the couch. "It's okay baby girl, he can't steal you from me ALL the time" Mila says to me as she sits besides me and lays against me.

"We're gonna need to get you out of whatever this is" Amerie tells Malakai. Darren walks in asking if he wanted something gay to wear as he limps his wrist. Camila and I busted out laughing. "Uh, yes please" he says. Which causes Qunni to get excited for "dress up".

"Amerie, he's cute and polite. Ease up on him babe" I say as I follow the group to Darren's room. "Oh we're dressing up Cash too? Funn" I say. We had an amazing pre. Apparently Cash brought drugs which I mean, isn't surprising but still. We eventually got up and left.

"Let's go bitches the night isn't gonna wait for us" I say dragging Camila and the rest of them following us.

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