Chapter 41: Demon lord Rimuru/A tale sourcing from the regrets of the past

Start from the beginning

Her hand on her chest, Blanc showed a rare interest and sincerity which startled Noir...he didn't expect to see the prideful Blanc to act like that upfront.

Rimuru : I-yeah sure...( she is another primordial demon like Noir...isn't that bad?)

Yet he couldn't help but blush at the sight of the beautiful lady that Blanc is, her long white hair was sublimed by her white dress.

Rimuru : Now that I think...isn't that the perfect time to give you two a name ? (Is it possible? Great sage?)

Raphael : (Notice : Unique skill great sage had evolved into Ultimate skill : Lord of Wisdom Raphael, as for master's first question yes naming the individual Noir and Blanc is possible with master current magicule reserve.)

Rimuru : ( evolved, huh, also you sound more emotive?)

Raphael : (That is just your imagination.)

Sweet Dropping, Raphael did sound more...lively, anyway returning his attention toward the two demons.

He could see some sparkle in Noir's eyes...he served him for 2 years now but his lack of magicule was a danger...Great sage didn't count the borrowed power from Veldora and advised to wait before naming him.

As for Noir, he took that as a message that he had to work even harder to receive this reward.

Rimuru : Let's see, Noir from now on you are Diablo.

Diablo : Kufufu, it's my honor Rimuru-sama !

Magicule leaving his body, Rimuru felt slightly drained...

Rimuru : (Huh ? How much did he take...)

Raphael : (Answer : around 30 % of master total magicule.)

Rimuru : (30 %?! Didn't you say I had 10 times my previous count...what kind of monster did I just make...)

Looking at Noir who was swallowed in euphoria, a dark cocoon formed around him as his evolution started.

It soon ended with Diablo floating down, his clothes didn't change much from his butler outfit but the presence he was excluding and his form was much more refined...

Diablo : What a wonderful name, I will be forever grateful, Rimuru-sama.

Placing his hand over his chest, it was a moment of total bliss which creeped Rimuru a little, he was already accustomed to his weird behavior but still...

Rimuru : A-anyway, as for you Blanc...what about Testarossa ?

Testarossa : Testarossa,'s beautiful my lord.

Smiling and accepting this name, the same process happened as another 30 % of his magicule left his body...Rimuru watched as a white and pinkish cocoon enveloped Testa's body.

On the side, Diablo was quite not really approving this as he had to wait 2 whole years for this but ultimately his lord's decision was absolute.

After a short while, Testa finished her evolution...she managed to stay awake just like Noir.

Her white dress was switched for a black military like uniform, her beauty seems to have been accentuated.

Rimuru : Oho~(Having a beautiful subordinate is really a bliss.)

Admiring Testarossa, he soon sighed and turned toward Diablo.

Rimuru : Can you show Testarossa around ? I'll give you both your job later.

Diablo : As your wish.

Bowing once again, the celebration night continued...

Rimuru : Now that I think, where is Dawn-kun ? I remember him being with me during the war...

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now