Why is everything so confusing?

Start from the beginning

The room was silent.

Anxiously, the Weasley siblings stood in the corner watching their friend yell at their headmaster. If only they had experienced Harry's dream could they have possibly imagined what he was going through. But they hadn't- all they knew was that their father was hurt.

McGonagall watched with tears in her eyes. If only James and Lily were here to comfort their son.

But they weren't.

She didn't know what to do. This young boy who she has cared and watched over for the past five years was now in agony. All she could do was observe quietly.

"You wanted to see me, Headmaster?" A cold voice broke the tense air.

"Yes, we can't wait til the morning as it may be too late," Dumbledore nodded towards the scared teenager. Without warning, Severus grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him out of the room.

"Phineus, let the order know that the Weasley family and Harry will be arriving tomorrow morning"



As the sun rose, students and teachers began to stir. Except Astraea who had been awake most of the night packing her stuff away into her satchel.

After last night, she knew that it was best to go. She knew Maria would be fine and that Harry and the others would be better of.

A loud knock broke her trance as her head turned swiftly towards the door. With a sigh, she went towards the door and opened it. A certain bearded man stood on the other side.

"Good morning Astraea," Dumbledore greeted her before walking into the room.

"Don't call me that," she grumbled as she walked towards the bookshelf leaving the door open.

"Why not? It's your name," Dumbledore stated before closing the door behind him.

"It was my name," Astraea huffed as she piled books into her arms,"what do you want?"

"What are you doing?" Dumbledore questioned as he began to take in the state she is in.

"Packing. What are you doing here?" Her tone became sharper.

"Why are you packing?"

"It's none of your business. Now tell what ever it is you want to and leave," Astraea shouted not moving her eyes from the shelf.

"Arthur Weasley was attacked last night at the ministry. His family and Harry have gone to the order's headquarters in London," this got her attention.


"We believe it was a snake. From Voldemort," Dumbledore explained.

"I've heard about a snake that's linked to him before," she said placing her books down.

"Yes many people have too."

"But that isn't what you wanted to talk to me about. Is it?"

"No," he sighed before taking a few paces towards the fire. "I want you to go to the order's headquarters for Christmas."

"What?" She asked genuinely confused.

"Just as another level of protection for the order as Harry and the Weasley siblings will be staying there. Also I know you are quite skilled with your herbs and you may be able to help with Arthur's injuries," Dumbledore explained his stare remaining on the fire.

"I think they will be fine without me," Astraea rolled her eyes as she reached down to pick her books up again.

"It's just a precaution."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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