Firewhiskey and meetings

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A/N Hope you enjoy :)
Also thank you for always voting on my story :)

"Morning Professor," Astraea said as she sat down for breakfast.

"Good morning Emerald." Minvera greeted back, placing some eggs on her plate.

"Looking forward to Hogsmeade?" Astraea asked looking around for Suki as she had disappeared.

"Well I may stay here as I have homework to mark. What about you?" She asked in a calm tone.

"I am definitely going. I've never been so I wanna see it. And I also want to try the three broomstick's fire whiskey." Astraea said enthusiastically with a wide smile.

"Well please don't get drunk. I will not clean up after you," McGonagall smiled.

"Yeah yeah don't worry. I can hold my alcohol," Astraea smirked before biting into her toast.

"Honestly," McGonagall huffed, still with a slight smile.

They ate in peace for only a matter of moments until Suki jumped on the table with a loud clatter.

"Oh for fucks sake Suki! You little shit!"Astraea glared at her with thin lips.

"You have a tongue of a pirate without rum," McGonagall scolded Astraea who seemed proud. 

"Aro," Suki chirped with a slight muffle as she held something in her mouth. A piece of paper.

"What's this?" She asked grabbing the letter from her jaw.

"Aroo," Suki gurgled as she bit into a sausage.

"Ok then," she sighed as she opened the paper.

"Hi it's about what we talked about a few days ago. Meet me at The Hogs Head today. H"

"Who's H?" She mumbled to herself. Carefully, she placed the note in her inside pocket.

"I am assuming you are invited somewhere," McGonagall asked glancing over to the girl next to her.

"Yep but I don't know who," Astraea shrugged.

"Brilliant," McGonagall sighed.

"Quite," The curly haired girl mumbled back, biting into her toast again.  


The cool autumn air flowed through her feathers as they flew to hogsmeade. Looking down, she could see many students walking to the little town.

They swooped and twirled for a while until they reached Hogsmeade. Carefully, they landed behind a large building.

"You good?" Astraea looked down at Suki who appeared fine. "Stay close."

Unsure, Astraea strolled around the streets looking at the building names. After turning down a deserted street, she saw an old looking pub with the words," The Hogs Head," carved into the sign.

"So I think this is it?" She said opening the door with a loud creak.

Inside it was fairly quiet. There was a couple of old wizards whispering in the corner, a veiled witch by the fire and a grumpy bartender who was cleaning a glass. It looked as if it was getting dirtier.

Memories - HJP x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora