The world changed again in a flash of light and Shion found herself facing a walled town at the foot of an enormous mountain range. As she turned in a circle, she noted hills and dales falling away to the west, forests in the near distance and then, to the south, she saw a tree bigger than any she had ever seen. The Great Oak of Brineburn.

She began to step toward it, noting that one side looked fresh and full of life, leaves unfurled and turned toward the sun. The other side looked dead. Blackened and pitted, weak and frail. If she had to guess, the tree looked so large, it could almost take a small village within its bole, were it hollow. A shimmering, etherial song erupted in the air and Mila appeared in a golden glow, followed by Jova and then Dave. They looked as though travelling in this way was a regular occurrence, but Shion doubted she could ever become used to it.

"'From the tree's dea' bows, follow the ar' of the Sun, til stones circle a goa'.'" Dave appeared to read something before him and Shion assumed he had recalled his magical parchment. "Wes'? You thin'?"

"Of course it's west!" With a whistle, Mila summoned a great black charger of a horse from out of thin air, clambering into the saddle. "Mount up. Let's get this dungeon found before our food buffs evaporate."

They spoke with such strange words that Shion didn't understand most of it. As she watched, the others also whistled, summoning their mounts. Dave had a small, grey pony that looked as though it had seen the best days of its life far behind it, much like Dave himself. Jova summoned a beast that resembled a unicorn, but, instead of a horn atop its head, a ribbon of multi-coloured light flickered and danced. Its tail and mane, also, held the colours of the rainbow and, as it stamped its feet, sparkles of many colours floated behind it.

Shion looked from one of them to the other and they all stared down at her, no-one saying the one thing they were all thinking. How could Shion ride without a mount of her own. Under their gaze, Shion felt more than a little uncomfortable, her fingers falling to the leather clothing, wishing she still wore her dress. She always picked at the seams when nervous. Or, she thought she remembered that.

"I have never ridden before." She wasn't certain she could if she tried. "May I share a saddle?"

"It don' wor' like that', gel." Dave rubbed his chin, his mouth moving as though chewing something. "We're goin' t' have t' buy her a 'orse."

"It's ... she's an NPC! We ride on, she'll catch up. Temp companions always do." Mila scowled as she caught a look from Jova. The carefree twin pouted, flickering her eyelashes at her sister. "It won't work! I can't believe I keep having to say it. It is ... she's an NPC, right? She can't use player tools."

"She's wearing player armour, and quite well if you ask me. Just look at those breasts! I could ..." A cough from Dave brought Jova out of her excited reverie and she had the wherewithal to at least blush. "Try it, Mi-mi. She only needs a pony. A pretty pony that matches how pretty she is. Please!"

With a roll of the eyes, Mila dismounted, her charger fading away, and swept up her hand. She frowned at the invisible, magical parchment, moving her hand in a blur before swiping her hand back down and staring at Shion. Nothing happened for a few seconds until a strange, trumpeting fanfare erupted around her. Somehow, Shion knew she needed to look at her own parchment.

As soon as she looked, she saw the flashing piece of smaller parchment that hovered over the other, telling her she had received a gift from Mila. Tentative, Shion reached out to touch the sheet and several stars began to appear, five-pointed and sparkling. They rose upward and revealed the very image of a pony. So detailed, it almost looked real. Again, Shion reached out, expecting to feel real fur under her fingers. As she did so, the fanfare erupted again and the horse disappeared.

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