[ TWO ]

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"What time are you getting off?"

"In about 30 minutes."


He threw his phone on the bed after texting her back. He headed into the bathroom to get it ready for her arrival. It wasn't often he was home when she got home right after work, so night, he wanted to make it special. There was no special occasion happening. He just wanted to show her how much he loved and appreciated her. Not many women would stick around and be with him after learning about his job of choice. But Taylor? That girl was the least judgemental person he had ever met in his life, and he fell for her just as quickly as she fell for him. Almost two years of being with her, and never once did she use his job as a scapegoat to end things with him, as the others had.

He walked into their bathroom and threw a towel in the warmer for her. He sprayed the tub down with tub cleaner and cleaned it out thoroughly, making sure all of the dirt and cleaner were out of the tub. He also cleaned off the little tray Taylor had laid across the top, which usually held her wine glass and snacks whenever she decided to take a long, relaxing bath. He flipped on the TV that was situated in a waterproof case across the top, going straight to Netflix. He scrolled through the movies that Taylor had on her List and looked for one that seemed the most interesting. He knew he probably wouldn't enjoy it too much, but this was about making her happy, not him. 

He put the remote down on the counter between the His & Hers sink and left the bathroom. He picked up his phone and opened his Life360 app to see her precise location. He noticed the little emoji car had replaced the letter of her name, and was slowly starting to move. Seeing as the icon was still near her job, he had a bit more time to get things situated before she got there. He made his way downstairs, heading into the kitchen. He had already placed a bottle of her favorite white wine in the freezer to chill, and now it was time for the ultimate task at hand. Making her a mini charcuterie board. He had seen her make one many times before, but he was no expert at it. He grabbed a plate from the cabinet and placed it on the counter. He went to the fridge, taking out the strawberries, grapes, blueberries, cheese, pepperoni, and some leftover chocolate bars Taylor used for a cookie receipt she made a few days back. 

He rinsed the fruit and cut the stems off of the strawberries before cutting them in half. He took a paper towel and dried them off all of the fruit before putting them on the plate. He tried his best to arrange everything on the plate the way Taylor would, but obviously, he could never do anything as well as she did. Once the plate was filled with the fruits, cheeses, meats, chocolates, and crackers, he grabbed the wine from the freezer and two wine glasses from the cabinet and took everything up the stairs. 

He brought everything into the bathroom, placing it on the counter before making his way over to the tub. He turned on the water, making sure it was to the temperature that she enjoyed most, before plugging the tub up so the water would run out. Her temperature of choice? Hotter than the fucking sun. He had no idea how she dealt with such hot water, but she loved it, and he never said anything about it. If he was going to get in with her, which was his plan, he was just going to have to deal with sitting in lava for a few minutes before his body adjusted. 

He went over to the linen closet and grabbed a bath bomb from the basket that she kept them in. He picked up a blue one and smelled it. "Mmmm." He hummed, enjoying the scent of it. He peeled off the plastic wrapping, chucked it in the trash can, and then dropped the ball into the tub under the running water. The room instantly started to fill with the aroma of the bath bomb, and Travis was instantly pleased with his choice. He moved his homemade charcuterie board over to the bath tray, along with the two glasses. He filled both up about halfway, and right as he did so, he heard the alarm system chime, the indication that she was home. 

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