Echoes of Retribution

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As shadows lengthen, vengeance stirs,
In the heart once filled with love's soft whirrs,
Betrayal's blade, a bitter sting,
Echoes of deceit, where trust took wing.

Once friends, now foes, in the web they've spun,
A tangled dance of deceit begun,
Whispers of lies, like poison seep,
Fueling the fire of vengeance deep.

With eyes ablaze, and heart turned cold,
A plan unfolds, revenge takes hold,
The lover who left, the friend who betrayed,
Their deeds engraved, their debt now paid.

Through silent nights and whispered schemes,
A symphony of vengeance, fueled by dreams,
Each step calculated, each move precise,
As darkness falls, and the soul pays the price.

But in the end, as the dust settles low,
And echoes of vengeance begin to slow,
A hollow victory, a bitter taste,
For revenge, it seems, is a double-edged blade.

For in the quest to settle the score,
Love's embers fade, forevermore,
And in the wreckage of what once was dear,
Only ashes remain, and silent tears.

So heed this tale of vengeance wrought,
And the price paid for battles fought,
For in the end, it's forgiveness that heals,
And love's true power, that forever reveals.

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