"That's actually so nice" Regina exclaimed, taking the strip in her own hand and smelling it again.
Somehow the scent reminded her of something but she couldn't exactly pinpoint what.

"I know right? Plus the packaging looks so pretty. It'll fit perfectly in my room" Scarlett replaced the perfume in her basket and continued strolling around.

They eventually reached the designer bag area, one of Regina's and Scarlett's favorite. As soon as Regina walked inside she laid her eyes on a COACH handbag. It was this white small bag with the golden C in the middle.

It looked perfect.

"Do you like that one baby?" Scarlett asked, seeing how Regina's eyes had lit up when she took the bag in her own hands.

Regina however already knew that if she said yes, Scarlett would immediately buy the gift for her. She didn't want the girl spending that kind of money on her. So she said no.

"I mean it's alright, but obviously the color is so last season. The fact that you would even think I like something like that" she lied, biting the inside of her cheek. Scarlett immediately caught on.

"You are biting your cheek hotshot, nice try but I'm buying it for you." Scarlett grabbed the back out of Regina's hands, walking over to the cashier "Plus this bag is actually a broken white, crème white was last season. Not this one"

Minutes later the bag was beautifully packed in a white box, sitting on Scarlett's lap.

While Scarlett went to look for their gate, Regina told the redhead she was going to buy some drinks for them.

However she was planning something different.

It had come to her attention that even though they had said their I love you's and had gone on multiple dates, they never actually talked about making it official.

Regina was about to end that.

Not their relationship, but them being unofficial, you know..

While they had gone looking for the handbag, she had seen Scarlett staring at this Chanel necklace. Regina wanted to make the moment special, and what beter way to do that than giving her the pretty necklace.

After one swipe of her creditcard, the necklace was hers and she could start planning the little moment.

She first wanted to ask her at some kind of special place, but soon realized that the two would barely get any privacy as long as they were in New York with Blair.

So she planned on asking her as soon as they got to their room. But for now her only worry was to keep this a secret for as long as possible.

She was on her way back to the gate when she got a text from Scarlett.

To: Scarslut🖤

Bitch where are you
I want my fucking drink

Damn baby
A little patience won't hurt nobody

Scarslut 🖤
It will hurt me tho
I'm craving coffee

I'll be there soon princess
Be a good girl and be patient

Scarslut 🖤
Yes mom

It's mommy for you, now quiet

Don't look at her, just don't (Regina George)Where stories live. Discover now