Start from the beginning

"Thank gods, she isn't joining us." She thought as Aemma gives her bombastic side eye to which she shrugs like is wrong.

Geralt hears Rheanyra's thoughts and smirks, he just leans on, beside the window looking over the city of King's Landing, admiring it's essence, but within his mind, he heard Alicent's footsteps receding and her heart pumping fast.

He sighs.

"Lady Alicent wait!" Jeyn ran after her as Alicent stopped in her tracks, and then turns to her with a sickly face, almost vomiting.

Alicent had to lie to Jeyne to tell the Queen, she had a terrible fever and she's wouldn't want to invade her privacy, which later on Jeyn returns with a small basket of fruits as a token gift from Aemma, with a handwritten parchment stating, 'Get Well Soon Little Dove'.

Alicent sighs, she felt bad lying to the Queen, she has no choice though, Prince Geralt is a temptation she wants to avoid by all means and Rheanyra, Rheanyra isn't her friend anymore.

Geralt and Rheanyra had a peaceful breakfast with the Queen, the moment was bliss while they bonded, laughed and chatted, it felt like home again.

"Hmm, this is my queue to leave." Geralt emptied his cup, drops it, pushed out his dish and stood up.

"Are you going somewhere?" Aemma demanded.

"Yes, I have business in the city..... thank you for breakfast." Geralt pecks her cheek and kiss her baby bump.

"Your welcome sweetheart, say hello to Legolas for me and you two should stay out of trouble." Aemma tells him while eating desert: chocolate cake with strawberries.

"Uncle Daemon should be the one staying out of trouble." Geralt reminds her, then moves to the other side of the table where his half sister sat.

Aemma scoffs. "Your uncle is a very busy man these days, commander of the city watch is a grave task." She appraised.

"Indeed it is.... though I wonder why Lady Rhea came to see father this morning." Geralt counters.

"Rhea Rocye of Runestone?" Aemma asked.

"Hmm... " Geralt pecks Rheanyra cheeks as she blushed, her body felt a rush of sensation in her core.

"Can we spend time alone together when you return.... I want to talk to you ...... about something." Rheanyra grabs his hand, waiting for an answer.

Geralt looks down at her, yellow-gold eyes against orbs of purple.

"Ofcourse." He agreed.

"In your chambers." Rheanyra suggests.

Geralt nods, before kissing her knuckles as Rheanyra let's go of him, smiling sweetly.

"Good bye mother." Geralt says over his shoulders as he got to the door behind the Prince.

"Bye sweetheart." She replies as Ser Harrold shuts the door.

"I wonder why Lady Rhea is here?" Aemma wondered, rubbing her belly.

Rheanyra sighs with naughtiness. "Maybe she came to Daemon, to put a baby in her barren womb."

"Shut your mouth Rheanyra!... Stop talking like a loosed girl, you're a princess, mind your language, else I'll teach you some manners." Aemma spat bitterly, cautioning her daughter strictly.

"I'm sorry mother..." Rheanyra apologized, dropping her cutleries to take a sip of fruit wine.

"You should be sorry, what happened between you and Alicent? She's suppose join us this morrow." Aemma inclines her head, resting her back fully on the inlaid chair, staring at Rheanyra.

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