[R] Here we go

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. . .

? ? ?: Initiating awakening process...

? ? ?: 0.4%...

Multiple hours pass.

? ? ?: Process completed.

? ? ?: Analyzing compartment location...

? ? ?: Compartment identified.

? ? ?: Redirecting energy to pod 21.

"Before the boy could even wake up, the glass door suddenly opened."

A hard hit echoed throught the whole facility.

. . .

"Slowly opening his blue eyes he said"

21: What... even happened to me?

21: This doesn't make sense at all. I dont remember being here last time..?

"Getting up he decided that he had enough and left the weird chilly room"

21: Is there anybody here?!


? ? ?: Welcome subject 21. My name is H.L.S.A, an acronym for Human Life Stabilization Assistant.

21: Where am I?

H.L.S.A: You are in the human restoration facility. Compartment F.

21: Where's everyone and are there more facilities?

H.L.S.A: I have gathered no information about there being more survivors, but there are 8 facilities, ordered A to H. Additionally, you've been sleeping for 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 years.

"The A.I stopped, then started thinking again."

H.L.S.A: 12000 years.

"The human stared at the ground in disbelief and started clenching their fists"

21: Hey! H.L.S.A! There's no way I could've been asleep for that long! Are you broken?!

H.L.S.A: The probability of me being in a corrupted state is very low, subject 21. If you really don't believe me, then you can take a look around.

"And indeed, he did. Looking at how run down the area around him was. But he just didn't want to accept the harsh reality he was in, he refused to believe."

21: Damn it... What do I do now?...

The human slowly but surely got up... bit by bit.

21: Sigh... hey, what should I do now?

H.L.S.A: You should check your vitals, by heading left there must be a medbay area.

21: Alright, thanks.

"Slowly, but surely, he started to walk into the left but he could feel that something was wrong. Where is everybody? The thought repeated itself over and over in his head, surely he couldn't be the last one. Right?"

H.L.S.A: I didn't think I said this before but you know who YOU are, correct? The reason I'm asking is because it sounded like you had thought your name was actually 21.

21: I can't really remember much of anything.. but this doesn't mean I forgot my past. Can you say what my name is again, H.L.S.A?

H.L.S.A: It's Aoi Namida.

Namida: That's a cool name, but uhhh, but where is the medbay again?

H.L.S.A: You just walked past it while we were having our dialogue. Please try to have more attention human, this new world might be dangerous.

Past Sorrows // (A Splatoon Human Story)Where stories live. Discover now