Chapter 1

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Ten years ago
"You're just a bastard, a pathetic useless trash, that's not right even the trash wouldn't want something as stinky as you" Chloe said triumphantly with a twisted expression making her pretty face look petrifying

"Chloe Camwell I'm warning you" Hasley said her face livid with anger

"Ooh I'm so scared somebody save me from the almighty Hasley's wrath, ooh what is she gonna do to me perharps she'll freeze me or better still set me ablaze" she chuckled evilly then continued "It would've been just awesome if you had powers don't you think" Chloe laughed mockingly.

Chloe screamed so loud that a glass shattered "wh wh what is this" she stammered "why is my hand burning? I don't understand, no no my face not my precious face it's getting burnt" she whimpered then turned to look at Hasley who had a devilish smirk on her face, her heart stopped seeing Hasley's expression, could it be she thought, "no no no it can't be true you don't have powers do you Hasley?"

"What do you think Chloe my dear, who else here has the ability to set your whole body aflames besides you suggested I set you ablaze and now I've done it I think I deserve a present don't I " Hasley asked with an innocent smile plastered on her flawless face.

"Hasley you dare, put out this fire at once" Chloe commanded angrily

Hasley smiled, "Chloe, Chloe, Chloe don't you understand, I hold the power here not you, it's my turn to command and it's your turn to beg, cause if you don't beg me your precious jade face will be filled with unrepairable scars"

"What are you" Chloe asked mortified

"I am what I am Chloe darling"

"Please Hasley the heat is too much on me I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Chloe begged half-heartedly solely for the sake of her face, the heat was there but she wasn't getting burnt and it was torture

"I never wanted to reveal my powers I wanted you pathetic earthlings to think I was a weak, gullible, stupid nerd who was easily bullied but Miss Camwell here suggested I set her ablaze so I thought what a wonderful way to show myself, this to sound as a warning to you all who think you can bully me, I won't take it anymore, oh and Chloe sweetie you might be the queen but unfortunately I don't care if you are or not" saying that she walked away after putting out the fire on Chloe.

Hasley smiled to herself remembering that incident considering the fact that her and Chloe became friends the next day and were currently best friends.

Ten years ago
Hasley strode down the hallway confidently smiling faintly when everyone parted the way for her probably not wanting to be the next Chloe Camwell, she guessed they didn't fancy getting burnt, she was about to enter her class when her sensitive ears picked up the faint voice of Chloe, screaming her name, what does she want now Hasley thought rolling her eyes as she contemplated whether or not to go take a look. She walked towards the sound of the voice finding a crowd gathered "what's the matter?" She asked asking no one in particular, "Well now that you've defeated the almighty Queen Chloe Camwell, Gaith thinks it's time he takes revenge on Chloe for all the times she's made him look like a fool so he got some goons to beat her up" said a random person. She ran swiftly to the middle of the crowd to find Chloe being beaten heavily such that she coughed up blood " Hasley save me" Chloe whispered weakly

Hasley sighed "Gaith call off your goons" She said calmly

"I won't all my life Chloe made me miserable, she tormented me now that she has been brought down by you and she's no longer the queen but you are, it's time I make her pay" Gaith said bitterly

"Stupid, insignificant humans, I never said I was the queen and I never will be even though the power of being middle school queen often gets in Chloe's head no one is more suitable than her, therefore she's still queen so leave her"  Hasley said smoothly.

"Well I don't care, no ones here to back her up her senior brother Caden travelled to see his father and her father might be president but he's not the president of this country my father is the president of this country so nothing can happen to me and no one can save her, not even you" Gaith said laughing maniacally

Hasley's eyes flashed but she kept cool, "I will ask you again Gaith for the very last time call off your goons"

"Or what, what are you going to do burn me!" He said without fear

"Is he mad can't he see he's angered Hasley, isn't he afraid of getting burnt?" Pupils whispered frantically to themselves.

"That's it!" saying that Hasley gave Gaith a meaningful look.

Immediately Gaith began perspiring he's veins popped out and his face became pale it was as though his blood was getting drained
" What did you do to me?" he asked in a fear filled voice

"It's called blood bending" Hasley said with a blood draining smirk

"Wh wh wh at blood bending? I thought it only existed in that cartoon *the last Airbender* ?" Gaith stammered

"Think again it's happening to you" She said gaily

"Boka, Shanti, Rodva stop don't hit her anymore" Gaith screamed at his goons
"Please they've stopped please stop this bending blood, blood bending whatever name it is called" he begged

"Humans always like doing things the hard way" saying that she used her powers to twist his neck before letting him go, she looked at Chloe who was on the verge of death then created a being, "Carry her and follow me" she commanded the being she made then walked into an empty class
"Put her down here" she said referring to the being, once it put Chloe down it disappeared cause it's work was done.
She frowned slightly looking at Chloe's injuries she put her pinky on Chloe's forehead briefly and like magic all the injuries disappeared and Chloe woke up ( she fainted).

Chloe looked up to find Hasley staring at her "You saved me Hasley, I knew you would" she said with a smile

Hasley didn't reply put turned her back to her "Why did you say my name, when you were in crisis?" Hasley's soft voice asked.

We meet again in the fifteenth lifeWhere stories live. Discover now