Chapter 1: It's your lucky day...(or not)

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Paris, France, in the vibrant 2000s, shimmered under the glow of streetlights and the hum of everyday life. Along the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, where the city's pulse beat strongest, locals and tourists mingled amidst theaters, cafés, and chic boutiques that lined the boulevard from Place de la Concorde to Place Charles de Gaulle. Here, the spirit of Paris thrived-a convergence of art, history, and culture that beckoned all who wandered its storied streets.

Amidst this bustling metropolis, an elderly man of Asian descent found solace in his modest home tucked away from the frenetic pace. The air was hushed save for the soft murmur of a nearby radio, playing nostalgic tunes that wafted through the cozy space. His attire, a whimsical blend of styles-a red Hawaiian shirt adorned with white hibiscus flowers, vintage sunglasses askew on his head, and a scarf proudly displaying the emblem of his favorite football team-reflected a life lived freely.

As Master Wang Fu dozed lightly in his armchair, a small, turtle-like creature named Wayzz fluttered towards him, its translucent wings shimmering in the dim light.

"Master Fu," Wayzz spoke softly, its voice tinged with urgency, "I sense the presence of the Butterfly Miraculous. It stirs with negativity, wielded by unknown hands."

Startled but composed, Master Fu chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he rose swiftly from his chair. His movements belied his age, driven by a sense of duty instilled over decades of guardianship.

"The Butterfly Miraculous," Master Fu murmured, his voice a blend of concern and determination. He reached for a weathered tome resting on a nearby table-The Grimoire-its ancient pages crackling as he leafed through them with practiced speed.

"Ah, Wayzz, my loyal friend," Master Fu chuckled again, his tone warm despite the gravity of the situation. "You gave me quite a start. But you are right-we must act swiftly."

With trembling hands, Master Fu retrieved the Miracle Box from a concealed drawer. Its ornate design gleamed softly in the muted light, a testament to its mystical power.

"Thank you, Wayzz," Master Fu said gratefully as the kwami darted to assist, but he had already anticipated its aid. "There is no time for lengthy gratitude. The holders of the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculouses must be found. They are our last hope against this threat."

"But Master," Wayzz interjected cautiously, "shouldn't they undergo training? The responsibility is immense, and we must choose wisely."

Master Fu's expression hardened, lines of resolve etched into his features. "Training can wait no longer," he declared firmly. "Paris-and possibly the world-needs its guardians now. They will learn as they go, guided by the Miraculouses themselves. I trust in their potential."

With that, Master Fu closed The Grimoire with a resolute snap, his gaze fixed on a future fraught with uncertainty yet buoyed by unwavering faith.


Paris. Boulangerie Patisserie, 12 Rue Gotlib, 21st Arrondissement.

The bakery "Boulangerie Patisserie" beckoned with an enchanting facade. Turquoise wooden walls framed a grand arched window adorned with delicate green embellishments. Above, a dark green sign proudly displayed "Boulangerie" in golden letters. Next door, a café adorned with green and yellow striped awnings and a welcoming summer terrace added to the quaint charm of the street.

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