The Unfamiliar land

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Prologue: The Unfamiliar land

The sun set in the horizon, casting long shadows over the despair filled island known as where the third season of inanimate insanity was casted. Once a place filled with hope and bonds, now stood as a silent testament to chaos and despair. The sky, once bright and inviting, now seemed to stare back with a cold, unfeeling gaze.

Inside the now caged and isolated island, a group of contestants found themselves waking up, their memories fragmented and minds muddled. Each one represented a symbol of their individuality yet also a reminder of their shared fate.

Among them was Balloon, a reserved young man with a keen intellect but a troubled past. Beside him sat Goo, a bubbly and energetic boy whose optimism seemed out of place in the grim setting. Across the room, Silver spoon, a stoic and confident individual, scanned the surroundings with a cautious eye. And then there was Cabby, a mysterious girl with a penchant for puzzles and riddles, her eyes darting around as if trying to piece together an unsolvable mystery stood beside her was none other than the hot-headed and mindful Paintbrush who sat on the ground confused looking at their surroundings.

Confusion quickly turned to fear as a sudden voice echoed through the room, coming from a strange, monochromatic Mephone perched on the teacher's desk.

"Greetings and salutations, contestants, welcome! I am MonoBot!, your gracious host for this... Fun little game......"

The contestants exchanged uneasy glances, uncertainty etched on their faces. What had they gotten themselves into? And more importantly, how would they escape the twisted game that was about to unfold?

Little did they know, their journey was just beginning, and the shadows of despair were lurking around every corner, ready to consume them whole.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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