Chapter Two: Deals and Dealers

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Husk didn’t talk, just looked at the ground. “What? Nothing to say now? I thought you were supposed to be the knight in shining armor?” Alastor tilted his chin up aggressively, “Speak.”

Husk took in a deep breath, and took his greatest risk yet, “It might have been entertaining, though.”

Something flashed in Alastor's eyes, “What did you say?” 

Husk stepped back, and Alastor allowed him to slip out of his hand, “I mean, what could be more amusing? A pathetic shit gambling a fake soul when he doesn’t even have his own? The look on those dipshits’ faces when they realize they’ve been screwed over. Valentino, Velvette, . . . Vox. All looking at you in abject horror. While you barely have to lift a finger.”

Alastor wore a face of disdain and irritation, but Husk had known this amalgamation of inhuman parts for a long, long time. And he knew that behind that annoyed grin, he was considering it.

“. . . You must really enjoy pain, for you to dare try to persuade me.” Alastor said. About a million innuendos came to mind to Husk, but he said none. He really was spending too much time with Angel.

Husk tried again, “I know apologies are worthless to you, and I wouldn't mean it if I did. But you gotta admit that it would be a missed opportunity to annoy the hell out of Vox-”

“I DON’T HAVE TO ACKNOWLEDGE ANYTHING.” Alastor towered over him. The lights dimmed, and Alastor blocked what little light was left with his growing body. His face contorting into grotesque shapes with a green ‘x’ appearing in the center of his forehead. A glowing green collar and chain appeared around Husk's neck. He shrunk into his shoulders, but stood his ground.

Alastor held the chain in his hands, but lightly, and continued, "And don't think for a second that this means you are getting out of your punishment.” 

Husk nodded emphatically, ears back, and Alastor appeared to calm. The hall began to return to normal.

He continued talking as he shrunk back down to normal size, “But I suppose there is some merit to your ramblings. But for you to have any chance of success, you will have to obey me directly, this time.”

Husk swallowed, “Yes, Alastor.”

“And I won’t be helping you cheat during the game. If you lose, you lose.” Alastor tugged on the chain a bit, “And if that happens, or they figure you out at any point, I will not protect you from them. I’ll let them do anything to you except for actually killing you. Meaning,” He leaned down to look Husk in the eyes, “You will face both their punishment and mine. Do you still want to play?”

Husk found himself unable to breath, but managed a weak, “Yes.” and shakily stuck out his hand.

Alastor did not bother to hide his delight, his intense greed, as he shook it.

“Wonderful!” Alastor stood back to his full height, and let the chain visibly disappear, though it was always present, “Then, we better get back in there. We have a real deal to make.”

— — —

Alastor burst through the doors a second time, to be greeted by Valentino back in the same position he had been in before he had been disturbed by Husk, “Why, hello again-”

Husk tried not to laugh as he followed behind Alastor, who put a hand up and suddenly found the wall very interesting

"Oh? Like what you see?” Val said, unphased.

“If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to talk business with someone who isn’t displaying their knickers for all to see.” Alastor said to the wall, ears flattened.

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