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Footsteps echoed down dimly lit the corridor, the soundwaves reverberating off of both the soft taps of the shoes the business man wore and the heavy metal thumps of the murder machine hot on his tail.

Mr. Jenson's lungs burned with the strain of his running as he maneuvered through the tight black corridors of the place he called his home, his headquarters, the command centre for an empire that was in the process of being torn down by the very things that once served it.

How had it all gone so wrong? So fast too!

One moment, he had been on top of the world, directing his drones-I mean dear employees to do his bidding for him while he twirled the galaxy's economy on his finger, playing a monopoly that could not be overthrown. Next thing he knew, a ragtag team of defective tin cans landed on Earth and somehow managed to sway both the public and military officials to take his enterprise down. Sure, they may had been slightly corrupt, but still! All because of fucking Tessa, the traitorus bitch. Now all his sins were coming back to bite him. A fucking goth girl and an overly friendly useless piece of junk are the things to take him down!? Why fate!?

Speaking of which,

N stomped along behind him, panting like an excited dog despite not needing to do so. His body rocked with each step he took, synthetic saliva flinging out of his open mouth in droplets, some of which landed on Mr. Jenson's back. The CEO could feel them dripping down his back, much like all his sins, and it made him shiver. Just how persistent was this thing? N meanwhile was having the time of his life! Now he was no sadist, that was V's thing, but this?

Now this was fun, even he could not deny that.

"Y'know, you can run as much as you want!" N called out to his prey item, still sounding rather friendly despite the circumstances, "But I think I should remind you that I don't get tired, and you humans seem to be really good at that. So you're gonna have to turn around and face me at some point." Mr. Jenson hissed through gritted teeth, it was true that his legs ached from the constant movement, and the corridor was about to end in lieu of a horizontal t-junction.

"FUCK YOU!" the human yelled as he whirled around, yanking out a previously hidden pistol from his belt and unloading into the mechanical beast right behind. Sure, he may have been dressed in a classy business suit as always, but in a world like this, it always pays to have a weapon on you.

Not that it helped him really.

The first few bullets, fired wildly out of the gun's comforting muzzle, found themselves embedded in the ceiling or side walls instead of within N's body. Those fortunate enough to find their target unfortunately were deflected off by N's superior metal plating (lovingly upgraded by a joint effort between Uzi and Tessa). This inspired not pain, but instead a yellow digital eyebrow raise from the murder drone. Was this seriously the best Mr. Jenson, the CEO of the biggest corporation in history, could do?

"Wow, is that supposed to be your ultimate attack, or?" N winced as Mr. Jenson quickly realized what he was standing in, the t-junction. A corridor that went in two directions, left and right. Right would take you to a storage room filled with WIP drones and other projects. Left would take you to the helipad, where an escape chopper may be waiting for him. Yes, that was perfect! Then he could escape from this place and formulate his next plan of actio-

A flash of light, and Mr. Jenson let out a startled cry as he just barely managed to duck under a sharp object being thrown at him at high speeds, bouncing and ricocheting off of the tightly enclosed walls of the corridor behind him before coming to rest on the ground. Upon his eyes fully scanning it over and sending the visual information to his brain for processing, Mr. Jenson realized that it was one of the rotor blades of what was once his escape chopper.

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