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     Hyunjin's eyes widen. He didn't care if Felix hit him. He didn't care if Felix yelled and screamed at him. All he wanted to do was stay by Felix's side. Take a break? That hurt him.


     "We should take a break." He repeats, enunciating the last word.


     "You're right. I've changed. All we've done is argue maybe we could use some time apart."

     Over with the other 6, they decided to give Hyunjin and Felix some space. It seemed like Felix was having a much harder time adjusting to being possessed by an entity than Hyunjin did. They were walking down the street, laughing and talking with each other. It was dark out, and they had already been to an arcade and eaten out, so they wanted to waste more time by going to a bar.

     They were all old enough after all. Jeongin, Seungmin and Jisung just barely made the requirements by being 20 years old. The boys walk in, show their ID's, and purchase drinks of their choice. It was more like a club than a bar since the atmosphere around them was filled with loud music and dancing.

     The boys sit down and enjoy their drinks; however, Minho starts to feel tipsy. He drags Jisung out on the floor, disappearing into the crowd of people as soon as a "sexy" song starts playing. Minho holds Jisung's hands and as they move their hips to the beat.

     To be honest, all of them were starting to get a little dizzy except for one. Chris didn't drink much because he made himself responsible for everyone else. Since he's the oldest, he watches after the boys like they're his kids. Seungmin has his head down on the table, so Chris was pretty sure that he was fully drunk. As Jeongin brings his glass to his lips Chris reaches over Seungmin and grabs it. "I'm going to find Minho and Jisung. As soon as I do, we're leaving okay?"

     Though Jeongin was a bit out of it, he was still mostly in his right mind. So, he nods, staying close to Changbin. Chris grabs Seungmin, not wanting to leave him there where he was out of his sight. When they first make their way into the crowd, they were bumping into various amounts people. The loud music, cheering and dancing was overwhelming for the two but it was worse for Seungmin.

     "Minho! Jisung!" He calls out for the two but you couldn't hear his voice over the music. Suddenly, he feels Seungmin's hand slip from his. His eyes widen and he quickly turns around, but Seungmin had already gotten lost in the crowd. Chris' heartbeat was loud, it thumped heavily in his chest, almost as if it was going to fall out. "SEUNGMIN!" 

     There were so many people he couldn't focus. Chris grabs a woman's shoulder, making her stop dancing and turn around confused. "Have you seen a boy? He has brown hair, wearing a black t-shirt with-" The woman cuts him off by taking his hand off her shoulder and shaking her head. Chris exhales, balling his hands up into a fist. "Okay..." 

     The raven moves past her and continues pushing through the crowd. "SEUNGMIN!" He yells once more. When he pushes through a couple more people, something catches his eye. There was a boy with his back facing him, so Chris couldn't see his face. He has brown hair, wearing a black t-shirt with the word sky on the back, and basic blue jeans. However, there was another boy behind him, holding him by his waist. And in front of him was a second boy who hand his hands on the boy's face.

     "...Seungmin...?" Chris mumbles, he didn't know for sure. But it had to be him. Those were his clothes. And honestly Chris could remember any one of his friends just from the back of their heads. He makes his way closer, trying not to draw attention to himself. When he gets close enough the brown-haired boy, he hears him whispering something under his breath. 

     "...Chris... help me..." The raven immediately whips around and grabs Seungmin's arm, pulling him away from the two other boys. The boys look up at him, confused.

     "Who... the hell...?" The boy was obviously drunk since he was slurring his words. The boy tries to grab Seungmin again, but Chris pulls him away. Chris should have left Seungmin back with the others, he felt horrible. 

     The raven doesn't say anything else and makes his way back to the bar area where he sees Minho and Jisung already back with the others. "Hey. Let's go." The others turn to see Chris having a rather serious look on his face. Their eyes widen and they scramble to pay and leave the bar. 

     The boys start to walk home, all of them feeling either drunk or tipsy. Chris had only drunk one glass of alcohol because he just knew that at least two of them were going to get drunk. "Everyone needs to take a shower when we get home." Chris says, so everyone nods in agreement. There was no need for them to fight back.

     But then, a sort of shiver runs down Chris' spine. He felt like someone was... watching him. He turns around, looking for whatever made him feel that way but there was nothing there. There weren't even any people walking behind them. Chris has Seungmin leaning his entire body wait on him, it wasn't bad because he's light, but it prevents him from moving too much.  

     Once they get home, Chris opens the door to find Hyunjin and Felix sitting on the couch. They seemed to be having a serious conversation. Hyunjin eyes dart to the door but it was closed. Maybe he was just hearing things.

     Hyunjin turns back to Felix, a solemn look in his eyes. "Please don't do this Felix..."

     "Do what? You said we should take a break so-"

     "I didn't say that! I only said that you're different!"

     "How so?" Felix asks. He was upset, Hyunjin could see that. "How am I different?"

     Hyunjin hesitates. He knows that most of the things he can say right now will probably make Felix more upset. "You... seem to be a lot less unhappy. I just want the best for you... I want to be with you. It feels like we're growing apart and that's something that I never want to happen." Felix stares at him, his expression not changing.

     "I have a question to ask..." Felix pauses, waiting a couple of seconds. "Hyunjin, do you love me?"

     "Of course I do!"

     "Do you trust me?"

     "Yeah... I do..." Hyunjin was getting hesitant, these questions were starting to make him nervous.

     "So, if we take a break then those feelings should stay with you." Felix says, looking down at his scarred hands. Hyunjin exhales, his eyes watering. He thought that he had somewhat convinced Felix to stay with him.

     "Please Felix... I just got you back..." Hyunjin says this in a whisper, barely audible. But Felix hears it.

     "You-" A loud thud and screaming cuts Felix off. It was coming from outside. The two run to the door and open it to find the others. 

     They were on the ground, screaming things like "no", "help", "stop". Hyunjin looks past them to see... Chris. He's lying flat on his back, eyes almost closed, and blood leaking from his neck.

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