My Felix

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                                                  "it could kill him."

     "What are you thinking about?" Hyunjin caresses Felix's cheek. 

     "Just about how much I like you." Felix smiles. Then, Hyunjin himself started to think. Why hasn't he kissed Felix yet? The conversation he had with Changbin and Storm in the car starts to make a reappearance.  

     Hyunjin didn't know why the thought of really kissing Felix felt so... disgusting. Suddenly, Felix yelps and falls out of his chair.

     Hyunjin was so spaced out that he didn't notice the terrified look on the boy's face. Felix curls up into a ball on the floor. He starts mumbling to himself, burying his face in between his knees.  The others stare at them, not knowing what was happening. But Hyunjin knew. "Kid it's going to happen soon." Storm warns, and Hyunjin nods.

     "Yeah, I know." He bends down, slipping his hand under Felix's back and knees. Lifting him off of the ground and taking him into their room. He settles him down on the bed, watching as he squirms and mumbles. He leans in to hear what he was saying. 

     "Stop... stop it... leave me alone..." Hyunjin sighs, moving his hand to the boy's shoulder. "You feel so far away..." He mutters, and Hyunjin's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Hyunjin... I need you." The raven swallows harshly. Why was Felix making him feel like this?

     "When the time comes... when the time comes, I won't be distant. I'll hug you, hold your hand... kiss you as much as you'd like." He whispers, hearing Felix's mumbling stop. The blonde goes quiet. "But first, my Felix..." Hyunjin smooths the back of his hand on Felix's cheek. "I need you to take control."

     Felix sniffles, turning over on his back. Hyunjin's hand still lingering on his face. "You're a real sweet talker you know that?" He mutters, and the raven chuckles. 

     "I had no idea." Felix grabs his wrist and kisses the palm of his hand, making Hyunjin flinch.

     "You know just the right words. Just how to make me feel better." He places two more kisses on Hyunjin's knuckles. 

     The raven sighs, pulling his hand away. "Quit it. Now's not time for this."

     "Then when will it be time?"

     "Felix. Seriously. Get some more rest." 

     "That's all you've been saying to me lately." Hyunjin kisses the boy on the cheek and apologizes, then he walks away. He meets the rest of the boys in the living room.

     "...Is Felix okay?" Jisung asks. Hyunjin stares at him for a moment, unsure of what to say first.

     "To cut to the chase... he has an entity." They sit, confused. But then Changbin speaks up.

     "Like... Storm entity?" Hyunjin nods at the question. They all immediately groan. How did this happen? How do you even get in a situation like this? "Well, what can we do about it?"

     "Nothing. We have to wait until the entity becomes sentient. Until then we won't be able to really hear it. Neither will Felix." He pauses. "It's about time though."

     "For what?" 

     "For the entity to make themselves known."

     "How do we let this happen without anyone seeing. Take him to a deserted place?"

     "It's early in the morning, where are we going to go?" Hyunjin sighs, and Changbin rests his head in his hands. Everyone stays quiet. "Listen. I'll take him out to the forest. Where it's quiet. You all stay here, and I'll call you if anything bad happens." All of them nod. They didn't have any reason to protest. 

     Hyunjin ties the upper half of his hair into a ponytail and then walks into Felix's room. "How can I make the transition happen faster?" He asks, closing the door behind him.

     "Kid... it would be dangerous."

     "I want to know." He could hear Storm sigh. 

     "There's something that only someone with a fully sentient entity can do to someone whose entity is still 'growing'." 

     "And what is that, Storm?" Hyunjin was getting impatient, watching as Felix tossed and turned in the bed. It was painful to watch him be like this. 

     "You can... add lightning into his body. It'll only hurt for a moment. If you do too much it could kill him. But it'll activate his entity quicker." Storm seemed hesitant about telling him that. Immediately, Hyunjin heads towards Felix. He slips his hand under Felix's back and his knees, lifting him off of the bed. He then leaves without another word, taking the route behind their house so no one could see him.

     The forest was quite close, so it didn't take long for him to get there. He could feel Felix trying to stay as close to him as possible. There was a part in the forest where the trees parted and there was a small area of open grass. He sets Felix down in the middle of it. Felix shakily brings his hands up to his ears. It was loud. It hurt. Suddenly, Felix begins to scream, and Hyunjin winces. His legs scrape against the ground as he moves around.

     "...I'm gonna make it go away Felix." He whispers. Hyunjin slips his hand over Felix's mouth, trying to muffle his screams. Then, he brings his fingers and places them on the boy's neck. 

     Felix's screaming stops. 

     All you could hear was the sound of electricity buzzing quietly. Hyunjin's eyes were glowing, blue lighting flashing inside of them. And looking back at him was Felix, his eyes holding... purple thunder. Hyunjin balls his hand up into a fist, his eyes going back to normal. Felix's eyes flutter closed, and it sparks fear in the boy. "...Felix?" Hyunjin leans closer to him, getting his ear close to Felix's mouth. He was breathing... but why wasn't he moving? 

     "Felix-" Suddenly, there was a loud boom. Felix's eyes shoot open, his entire body being enveloped in purple thunder. The sky turns dark, and rain begins to pour on them. Then, there was a crackle, and only Felix's eyes were purple. He wasn't talking or moving. But he was alive and that's all that matters.

     Hyunjin lifts the boy up again and begins walking. The heavy rain was making it too hard to see. A loud crack of blue lightning flashes in the sky. Was Felix doing all of this? He keeps his head up, focusing on making it back to the house. "...Hyunjin..." His voice.

     "Yes?" He was happy that Felix was speaking.

     "Kill me."

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