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June 9, 2019

"Ally!" She said in a shrill tone. "Forget about the gasoline, everything turned out fine, Jake and I didn't break up."

"Oh," she coughed to clear her throat. "Uhm, that's..." Victoria heard movement from the other line. "Are you sure about this, darling?'' Ally finally said with uncertainty.

There was a moment of silence, where only the quick footsteps of people and the sound of cars could be heard. "I-I'm not sure," And for the first time in a long time a spark of hope was lit in Ally.

"Last night we talked calmly and I gave him a second chance."

The brunette sighed. "Vicky, it's not the first time he says he's going to change." They had only been talking for like a minute and Ally was already getting stressed.

"I know! But he said he would change for me..because he loves me." And those words began to echo in her head over and over again. "He even told me we could go to couples therapy."

"I don't know, Vicky, that guy never gave me a good feeling, plus all the times he's told you he'll change...He never does... I've seen with my own eyes how he yells at you, and you never do much to stop it." Ally loved her friend with all her being, but whenever it came to Jake she always made excuses for him.

"What would happen if one day he went too far with you? like hitting you know." Victoria's blood froze for a few moments and she swallowed dry.

"I'm just worried about you."

"I know Ally, I'll be careful, I promise." The blonde said with a convincing tone, but not enough to convince Ally.

There were a few seconds of silence and Victoria decided to break them. "I wanted to make you an invitation." She wanted to try to make their conversation about something more pleasant, she was bored of talking about Jake.

Ally finally decided to give in and continue the conversation. "Oh yeah? Invitation to what would it be?" She knew exactly what she wanted to invite her to.

"Mean Girls!" She exclaimed with enthusiasm. "Please come, I know you don't have to go to college today!"

"Of course I'll come Vicky!" Ally heard how the blonde let out an excited squeal through the phone. "By the way, your birthday is in like a month, what do you want?"

Victoria had forgotten that her birthday was close, this did not make her very happy at all, it reminded her of the date when her parents kicked her out of their house.

Her birthday had been a few days before the events occurred. She remembered her birthday as if it had been yesterday, waking up in the light blue sheets, the sun was already coming through the window and her mother had prepared her favorite breakfast, pancakes with blueberries.

Her father was sitting on the couch watching something she didn't remember, probably a sports channel, and her mother was laughing with her in the kitchen. Those happy moments that she could never get back, and although getting her family back was what she wanted most, at that moment she knew it was impossible.

Those happy moments were over in the blink of an eye.

Victoria blamed herself for what happened every day, if she hadn't been the way she is, maybe she could have finished school and started college, maybe she would still have a family.

But in part she was also grateful that it was like that. She made new friends, she lives in New York, which is something she always wanted, and of course she achieved her dream of being in such an important musical, on Broadway.

"I don't know, I just know that I want Leo to be here, I miss him!" the blonde breathed out of her mouth.

"We can definitely have Leo here! Don't worry babe, I'll call him and we'll agree to see if he can come."

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