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A/N: I wanted to inform you that the cast of the musical Mean Girls Broadway will be fictional characters created by me, kisses.

May 5, 2019

Friday finally came. She still hasn't told Ally the incredible news, she held back all week, but now that they're going to get together, she'll tell her. They'll meet in a small café where they usually meet. Victoria was looking forward to this all week so she felt as if her whole body was buzzing. The café was close to her apartment so she decided that a 10 minute walk didn't cause any harm.

Once she arrived at the café she spotted Ally, she was already there. Victoria started walking towards the table where the brunette was sitting, she hadn't noticed her yet so when she sat down in front of her Ally jumped in surprise.

"You scared the shit out of me!" The burnette exclaimed with pure horror written in her face. The blonde chuckles at her friend's expression.

"So? How did it go?" Ally asks expectantly looking at the blonde in front of her.

Victoria sighs "I..Didn't get the role.." She says, faking a sad face. She watches the smile that was in her friend disappear in a matter of seconds.

"Vic, I'm so sorry.." Ally says, stretching her hand across the table to take hers.Victoria starts to laugh loudly with one hand covering her mouth, some people in the café turn to stare at her. "Why are you laughing?" She says, as she starts to laugh too, Victoria's laugh was contagious.

When her laugh came to an end she looked at Ally's brown eyes before talking."I in fact didn't get the role for Regina George," the girl in front of her gave her a strange look. "But..I got the role for Cady Heron!" She says raising her hands, with a big smile.

The face of Ally was of pure shock."Cady Heron?!" She says a little too loudly. "That's the leading role! Vic, Oh, god. Congratulations! She says with a big smile as she stands up to hug her best friend."Vic, this opens so many doors to you!"

"I know!" She says still with her smile plastered on her face. "I'm so excited, the rehearsals start next week." "I already know some of the songs, I've practiced a little bit , I can't be very loud though."

"Why? Your Neighbors complained?" She asks as the waiter puts 2 coffees on the table. "Thanks" they both say to the girl. "I ordered for you, is that okay?"

"Yeah, thank you Ally" she says in response. "No, the neighbors haven't complained, it's Jake." She says frustrated. "He said that I needed to practice in the bathroom or he'll kick me out of the apartment." She says and starts drinking her coffee.

"What a fucking asshole" She says.

"Hey! Don't say that" she looks at her friend "He's been stressed over work recently, I understand him" Jake worked for his father in a company, he said that lately there's been a lot of work that needed to be done.

"He's been arriving late to the apartment this last week, he gets tired and I get it, nobody wants to arrive at their house and find someone singing in the living room."Victoria explains to her.

"Vic, I get he's tired, but I have seen the way he snaps at you. Your boyfriend is not supposed to do that, much less threaten you with leaving you out of your own apartment." Ally grabs her hands.She wants her friend to realize that he is a terrible boyfriend before it's too late. "And he is too old for you," She says, mocking him.

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