"Well, if you're sooo very busy, then I'll just tell Chan Hyung to call another producer-"

"NO! I'm on my way!!"

The line beeped as Seungmin smirked. He knew exactly what to do to get any of them up and running.

A sleepy Channie looked at him confused, and that just made Seungmin laugh softly. Sometimes, his Hyung looked more like a puppy than a wolf.

Soon after he heard the door open. Chan had gone to lie back down, profusely mumbling that he had to close his curtains. So, he went up the stairs to check.

"No one but me handles the merchandise!" A short buffed up alpha yelled, as he ran in with his black curly hair shooting out every way, and blacked rimmed glasses sitting low or his nose - it was clear he came running from his own apartment three floors below, elevator who?

Seungmin laughed out loud and said; "Well, the merchandise is currently taking his morning nap."

Changbin grumbled and set himself off to Chan's music studio as Seungmin headed back down stairs.


As Bin made his way to the studio he stopped and checked in the alpha.

Chan was tucked into his bed, with his deep, rich blue hair, and bare feet sticking out from opposite the side of the comforter. Changbin was relieved that his Hyung had finally calmed down enough to rest.

Memories of the past started rushing through his head. Chan was his brother. He had discovered him. Everything Chan knew, Changbin was there when he learned it, and he probably had a part in teaching it. They had been together for years. They had been there for each other for years. Bin would do anything to make his Hyung happy.

It wasn't that long before Changbin made himself comfortable in the messy studio. He grumbled a bit while picking up papers and turning on electronics. He remembered his Hyung's excitement when Changbin showed him the newly renovated room.

He sighed.

This room was supposed to be Audrey's room, but after years of watching Chan cry his heart out holding pictures of his little girl, Changbin had had enough. This pain of it all was killing him, and that made Changbin scared. So, he forced Chan out and renovated it. His Hyung had thrown a good fight but soon came to his senses.

Audrey would never stay in this room. There was no point.

"Alright, focus." he said, snapping himself out of his thoughts. He opened the most recent file on the computer and started working.


Seungmin was bored. He can only read so much before he gets up to start cleaning.

Vacuuming the couch and sweeping the marble floors. Dusting off awards and old pictures, after a while, he traveled to the only suite down stairs past the living room. He sighs before opening it and he finds it as it always was. The two queen-sized beds, one with a dark blue and black comforter, the other with a baby pink and yellow one, sat in the same place and way as always. The white and gray suite was covered in what Chan thought would fit his daughters styles the most. From the chairs and tables to the carpets, and the toys, it was all how Chan thinks his daughters would want. Seungmin felt for his friend, it just wasn't fair.

He carried on and re-fixed the comforters just like he did the last time. Re-fluffed the pillows. Re-vacuumed the rugs. Re-swept their marble floors and re-dusted their picture frames. The pictures were old. One was showing a young baby girl with black hair and a small sliver of teeth coming through showcasing her gummy smile. She was being carried by a young Chan. She looked so much like him, a literal copy.

The Mockingbird's Bleeding Heart (Chansung/BangHan)Where stories live. Discover now