Kevin's best friend.

"Damn you completely kept everything the same in this house," Tyler said

"Yeah I didn't know what to do with it," David said brushing Dakota's hair

Author note:
David and Darrian are 22
Tyler and Kevin are 23
Dakota is 1 but turning 2 soon

"Do you get memories? You know bad memories?" Darrian asked

"Darrian," Tyler said in a warning voice

"I do. At night have these flashbacks of him yelling at me or hitting me," David said

"I can only say that I'm sorry for Kevin. I feel like it's my fault that you went through that for three years," Tyler said

"It's not your fault that your best friend is a fucking asshole," Darrian said

"He wasn't always a bad guy. Let me be quiet," David said

"How about we change the subject? Your two's anniversary is coming up. Got any plans?" David's asked

Darrian's face lit up when heard that.

"We're going to Jamaica!" Darrian said excitedly

Tyler just nodded his head. David laughed at his two friends. Darrian and Tyler very different from each other. Darrian was more outgoing and friendly than Tyler. Tyler was the quiet one. Always in the background.

It surprised David when the got together because he didn't know if Tyler could handle Darrian.

David picked up Dakota and took him in the kitchen to feed him. He put him in his high chair as Darrian walked in.

"Have you started dating again?" Darrian asked

"No. I'm just focused on Dakota and my job," David said

"You've been working nonstop. It's time you get some dick," Darrian said

"Hey my kid is here," David laughed getting the food out the fridge

"But it's true. All you do is go work at that finance firm and then pick up Kota from your mom's. It's time you start living for yourself again. Kevin's gone now," Darrian said

"I know. I know," David said feeding Dakota

"Darrian stop pressing him," Tyler said

Darrian rolled his eyes and started eating David's leftover pizza.


"It's your ex husband calling," Darrian said

David thought about declining the call but then a painful moment came back to him.


"Why didn't you pick up the phone?!" Kevin yelled

"I was in a meeting! Damn you want me to stop everything I was doing just to talk to you," David said

"I pick up if you call,"'Kevin said

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