One Year Later

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Chapter 23:

(Sofia POV)

A year has passed since we were crowned King and Queen. Amber and Desmond got married a month after that day and soon will rule Enchancia. James also proposed to Clio and they are enjoying being engaged for the time being. After all the time I spent away from my family when I was a Protector and then later when I was training to be Queen we all agreed that we needed a change and meet at least once a month to discuss the "affairs of our kingdoms." It was nice knowing that even though we were all starting our own families we still had one another. I don't believe we have ever been closer even when we all lived together. Luckily their haven't been any other threats on any of our lives recently.

As for Hugo and I, he kept his promise about date night. We have been ruling fairly and already working towards reforming the advisory board for our future kids. We have restricted their power significantly and we stipulated that the people next in line to the throne cannot be on the advisory board due to a conflict of interest. We each found ourselves settling into our roles. Hugo took care of foreign affair and dealing with the nobility. I handled more of the internal affairs. I went and visited the villages in our kingdom and helped them with whatever they needed. At the end of each day we talked about what was going on and if we ever needed help we worked with one another. Tonight was date night and I was already waiting for Hugo.

Hugo came running into the room and saw me sitting at my vanity. I turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow. I saw he had a bouquet of Clararoses in his hand and his suit was slightly disheveled. "I'm sorry I'm late," He panted. He wouldn't have gotten the flowers and been running around if he was just running late, "What did you do?" I asked. His eyes began shifting around the room, "Hugo, what did you do?" He sighed and ran a hand up the back of his head, 

"How angry would you be if I had to cancel date night?" I sighed and closed my eyes, "Why do you need to cancel date night?" "There is a problem with our alliance with Zafou the King agreed to meet with me but, it has to be tonight. I need to leave like right now and I don't know when I will be back." I nodded and stood up walking over towards him, "You have to do this and it is fine. I am not mad at you, I just wish that you didn't have to cancel last minute but, it is fine. If you're not home too late, maybe we can still do something." He took my hand, "You are the best and I will make it up to you later I promise." He said kissing the top of my hand before running out again. I watched him rushing down the hallways.

(Hugo POV)

Moments likes these I knew I had the best wife ever. She knew something was wrong immediately and she didn't try to make me feel terrible about it. I quickly got in the carriage and went to Zafou to hash this out as quickly as possible because as well as my wife knows me I know her and even though she didn't say it she was disappointed that date night got cancelled. As we were flying to Zafou I smiled at the thought of our lives this last year.

Things had been going well for Sofia and I after we were coronated. She was so good with the people and knew how to help them better than any other royal I had ever seen in my life. Anyone whoever though her being raised in the village was a disadvantage didn't see how prosperous our kingdom was within a year of her being crowned. We were both happy, genuinely happy. I knew she was the love of my life when we were kids. I knew I would do anything for her both times she was kidnapped. I knew that our marriage would survive after our first big argument.

I had never argued like that with anyone in my life not that I even remember what it was about. I told Axel about this and that is when he pat me on the back and said, "Congratulations you are officially married." At first I was confused so he explained, "When you argue with someone so intensely, with such fire that you are scared that you are going to lose them that is because you have something not worth losing. That is when you are really married." Now I couldn't help but agree more. he meeting went by quickly and I was able to hash out the details quickly and I rushed home. I quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed our basket and grabbed the blanket. It was late but the lights in the gazebo would still be on and I knew both our schedules didn't have anything too important in the morning.

(Sofia POV)

I had stayed awake for awhile waiting for Hugo to come home but, eventually I decided to call it a night and go to sleep. I had something I wanted to tell Hugo but, it could wait until tomorrow. I felt someone rocking my shoulder and I slowly opened my eyes and saw Hugo standing above me. "Hey Sofia come on wake up," He said. I groaned, "What time s it?" My eyes then landed on the basket and blanket in his hands. "Date night still isn't over. Come on let's go down to the gazebo," He said. I smiled, "Did you get that basket from the kitchen?" He nodded and I stood up and we walked down to the gazebo and he laid out a blanket for us to sit down on.

"Hugo, you didn't have to do all of this?" He shook his head, "Yes I did. I know you were disappointed when I cancelled..." I frowned, "I don't want you to feel obligated to spend time with me, I didn't want to make you feel bad." "Sofia, I don't feel obligated to spend time with you, I want to. I also don't want to disappoint you but, when it does happen I will make it up to you," He said. I nodded. He pulled out two chocolate cupcakes and handed me one. 

I stared down at the cupcake for a little while and apparently Hugo noticed, "Sofia what aren't you telling me?" I sighed and looked over toward him, "Remember a little over a year ago when we talked about Clara and how you never had the chance to be excited?" He nodded, "Yeah and then you told me I'd have the opportunity to next time." He smiled. "Well get excited," I said smiling at him. His eyes widened, "Your not..." He started but I was nodding my head, "I'm pregnant." 

He wrapped his arms around me and mumbled "Thank you" as he surrounded me and held me close. He separated and I smiled, "What do you think are we getting Prince Ethan this time?" He nodded, "Yeah and he is going to be the biggest momma's boy on this planet but, he and his siblings will be protected by Clara." I nodded, "Yes, Clara will always be there to protect everyone just like her mother." He kissed me and we celebrated the rest of the evening reveling in the idea of our child being born.

-9 months later-

(Hugo POV)

I stood outside the room waiting. Sofia was in labor but, they wouldn't let me be with her and I wanted as my Dad and Axel stood beside me. "Hugo you are going to wear a hole in the floor," "Leave, him be Axel. I was just as nervous when the two of you were born." Dad stepped in before I could even think to argue. I then heard a baby cry come from the other side of the door. The midwife opened the door, "Congratulations King Hugo, it's a boy."

I rushed into the room and saw Sofia laying in the bed holding our son. I went towards her slowly as she smiled down at him. She saw me, "Do you want to hold you son?" I nodded and she gently placed him in my arms. His eyes opened and he looked up at me. He had my green eyes and strands of black hair. Dad and Axel walked in and saw us. "Does my nephew have a name?" Axel asked. Sofia nodded, "May we present Prince Ethan Asher Albridge." 

Our family was beginning to expand and I could feel my heart swell with the thought of watching our son grow up. I placed him back in Sofia's arms and slid onto the bed next to her. "I didn't think it was possible for me to love one person this much," she started and then she looked up at me, "Let alone two." I kissed the top of her head and stayed with my family. "Sofia what do you want?" She smiled, "To give this little boy a loving family and maybe a couple of siblings..." "I think I can manage that." "Easy there, maybe in a couple years." I nodded, "Whatever you want. All I want is for you two to be happy." "Same here."

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