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Chapter 1:


Mihiro Bay 1224

The cold evening breeze brushed my brown hair against my cheeks wistfully. Luckily, I was expecting it to get chilly tonight, so I brought a cloak with me on my quest. My bare feet pelted against the hard slab as I jumped from rooftop to rooftop. I was careful to keep quiet to avoid being caught out so late. Especially alone.

Papa has warned me about the monsters that may come into our village in the night. I have never seen a dragon, but I know they are out there; pondering our weaknesses and getting ready to attack.

A loud crack caught my attention so I quickly ducked under a chimney at the nearby inn. As I peered out into the open street, I noticed that it was only the late-night fishers coming back from their adventures.

Tonight was a full moon which means I got a better look at the stars.


The one thing that interests me more than anything. What do all these stars mean? My grandmama says that they are useless, but I think they are quite the opposite.

As I watch the fisherman make their way inside their cabins, I race towards the next rooftop. Jumping onto it with the quietest thud I can manage. This rooftop belongs to the chief of our village. His roof is connected to the entrance to the pine-filled woods, my destination.

With all the grace I have left in me, I tip-toed my way across his roof and onto the soft lush grass. That's when I take off into a dead sprint. My breaths come rash and hard but I don't stop until I'm at casa,; which is the nickname for the tallest tree in this forest; and my favorite residence. The top of casa is a long way up, but I do not dread the climb, I rather enjoy it.

Dragons are what our village fears most. The elders tell haunting stories about how horrid the creatures are.

I lean back against casa's branches and take out my notebook. I've been mapping these stars for over a year now. It's like they are moving or changing....

My Grandmama tells me I am a wild flower, my curiosity is endless. What's wrong with being curious? The fisherman only goes so far outside the wake to fish. What would it be like to travel farther?

The village priest told me my curiosity would get me killed one day, I chose not to be afraid of his words. My village already lives in too much fear. We can't leave at night, we are always sacrificing meat to the heavens, and we are currently building a wall around our village. They say it is to keep the dragons out, but I think it is to keep us in. I had only ever seen paintings of dragons. I'm not obsessed, but the more secrets that are kept, the more curious I get.

My wrist began to throb as I was almost done filling another page in my notebook. Arguing with myself, I decided to take a little break and lay my head down. But whatever happens, I can't fall asleep.

There is no way.

Take a rest bby

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