Fast and Feisty: Drifting In Tokyo (10)

Start from the beginning

    "Nee-heehee...don't worry! She'll be fine," Kokichi said. 

    "Yeah, she knows what she's doin,'" Kaito agreed. "Hell, if she can drive a regular car, then the Celestial Eris should be no problem for her!"

   "Did she seriously drive your car, Kaito?" Fuyuhiko asked.

   "Yeah! She drove it to a convenience store!" Kokichi answered for Kaito.

   "Is that true?" Gundham asked Kaito, but eyeing Kokichi with suspicion.

   "'s true," Kaito answered. "Came back with some chips and a soda! Hahaha, I was pretty pissed at first, but, hey, Chibi-Kichi is determined to be a racer. I just can't fault her for doin' something reckless to achieve her dream! It's what I would do, too!" The boys watched as Kiki raced around the track. At every turn, she wouldn't slow down. She just kept going faster and faster, which caused her kart to skid all over the place, but Kiki was having too much fun to notice. Finally, after three laps around the track, she stopped her kart in front of the boys with wide eyes full of astonishment. Her bangs stretched wildly over her forehead, as if they were escaping her head to avoid another round of laps. 

   "OH, GOSH!! OH, WOW!!! THAT WAS SO FUN!!! DIDJA SEE ME, KOKICHI?! HUH?! DIDJA SEE ME?! THAT WAS SOOOO SWICKED!!!" She hopped out of her kart and danced around. She then threw herself onto the ground, pounding the dirt with her fists as she continued to yell happily. The boys laughed and clapped for her. Kokichi knelt down to help her up. 

   "Nee-heehee...someone had fun!" he teased, giving her cheek a light punch. 

   "Well, yeah! It was only the GREATEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE!!!" Kiki screamed. 

    "Haha, you're a natural, kid!" Mondo said.

    "But, you still have much to learn," Gundham pointed out.

    "He's right, Chibi-Kichi," Kokichi said. Kiki's shoulders slumped.

   " what?" she pouted.

   "You definitely gotta work on your control," Kokichi answered.

   "Yeah, like how you were makin' those turns," Kaito said. "You kept sliding all over the place! That's not a good way to race."

   "Hmm...control," Kiki mumbled thoughtfully and nodded, coursing her fingers through her bangs. "Yeah, okay...control's good."

    "And you gotta learn patience!" Kazuichi added. "You can't just...zoom on ahead without me explaining stuff to you first!"

   "Tee-heehee...I had no choice! You were boring me!" Kiki replied with a cheeky grin. Kazuichi sighed and shook his head.

   "You are definitely Kokichi's cousin," he muttered.

    "Hey, Kokichi? Can you teach me how to drift?!" Kiki asked, tugging at Kokichi's sleeve. 

    "Hmm...I dunno, Chibi-Kichi," Kokichi replied, tapping his chin in thought. "Drifting might be a liiiittle too difficult for a beginner." Kiki placed her hand on her hip, cocked her head, and raised a brow.

   "You might as well show me, cuz I'll only look it up online if you don't," she said. Kokichi smiled at her before turning to Kaito. He stuck out his hand and waved his fingers up and down like Kiki had done to Kazuichi earlier.

    "Gimme the keys. Gimme the keys," he said with a mischievous grin. 



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