● chapter 14. ○

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The answer was almost always the latter, unless Erin didn't like you, but, then again, did Erin dislike anyone? Chris and a few... other people, sure, and he had his enemies, but those were mostly one-sided. They hated him and he enjoyed how much they hated him. Like a... fondness just for the sake entertainment. Y/n should see that funny little habit of Erin's as some sort of a red flag, but, in all honesty, he kind of just found it cute —

Y/n shook his head, as if to dislodge those thoughts.

Woah, that's weird. Erin was mentioned once and Y/n spent three paragraphs thinking about him. I'm going to take another unsuspicious drink of this fruit punch-like substance now. They're my thoughts, who else is gonna hear them? I'm pretty sure I'm the only me.

"You okay, Y/n?" A soft voice spoke, interrupting those wandering thoughts. Y/n looked back down at Towa.

"Hm?" He hummed, a bit embarrassed to be caught daydreaming, even though that was a very common occurence by now.

"Your hand got warm," Towa revised, looking up at Y/n with those brown, monolid eyes from his spot on the couch. The (h/c) boy felt his face heat up, likely not helping his case, and he went to reply, only to stumble stupidly on his words.

"Finish your drink," Y/n mumbled, well aware that it was a simple observation and getting flustered over it was definitely screwing him over, but he had no excuse and therefore nothing to say in return.

Towa did so, that inquiring look replaced with a slightly suspicious one.

The night continued, more people showing up and more people leaving. At some point, Jonah and Ethan had shown up, both attached at the hip as usual. Y/n did notice, more than a few times, Jonah reaching around Ethan to rub soothingly along his side, and it did make sense, Ethan being visibly out of his element and Jonah being... well, Jonah, but Y/n still smiled a bit when he saw it.

Well, things can't be wholesome for too long. What is this, a romance?

Y/n was distracted, staring up at the ceiling tiles when he suddenly felt a hefty weight all but trip into him. Y/n's head snapped down, expecting to see... well, it didn't matter what he expected, it was what happened that was totally unexpected. He saw a boy, maybe a bit older than Y/n himself, who looked very out of it and very ecstatic.

The boy's hands repositioned themselves so he could lean his weight on the table behind Y/n, which resulted in a sort of pin-like embrace. Immediately, both Hannah and Wade stood up, but the boy just looked up at Y/n with half-lidded eyes and a watery smile was aimed up at him.

"Y/nnn!" The boy said in the sort of tone you'd speak to a dog or a baby with. "The pig wants to fuuuckk youuu!"

Y/n wasn't slick with his shock, jaw dropping inelegantly. First of all, gross, nobody who wasn't a dog or a baby would appreciate that tone, and second of all, gross! If anybody wanted to fuck Y/n, he didn't want to know about it! Third of all, 'the pig' sounds awfully familiar. Emphasis on the awful.

The weight of the other boy was pulled off of Y/n as quickly as it had been placed there. A girl, much shorter than the boy whose waist she was using to pull him away, practically shoved him in the opposite direction, towards a hallway. He stumbled drunkenly.

"I'm so sorry, he is wasted," The girl said, looking embarrassed on his behalf but also as if this was not the first time. "If he called you any slurs, I'm sorry if they were accurate!" She waved, voice fading as she chased the boy down the hallway she shoved him into.

Y/n looked at Wade, who had moved to stand next to him, and Wade looked back.

"Well, that was a thing that happened," Towa confirmed, inhaling as if he was going to say something else, then twitching his head and closing his mouth. Hannah sat back down next to him.

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