● chapter 2. ○

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CWs: use of the f-slur in a non derogatory way (only once).


"Creepy." The perpetrator of the surprise said in a sing-song voice. Towa turned around and kicked him, but he was laughing.

I almost shit my pants.

"Erin! You can't be doing that," Towa said. Y/n turned to face their friend, who was only half-focusing on Towa's half-assed scolding, his attention mostly on the two masked folks across the river.

"Well, suck my dick," Erin shrugged, sitting down behind Y/n.

Erin was one of the very few out-of-the-closet gay kids in the school district that most people openly disliked, likely for his.. subjectively offensive humor and unlovable personality, but Y/n and him had a sort of brotherly comraderie, and while most of the people Y/n hung out with were friends of a friend (save for Towa), Erin was a friend that Y/n made himself.

"Hi, Erin," Y/n greeted, a tad quiet under the rush of water.

Erin's gaze snapped to Y/n as if he'd just noticed him (which he hadn't), and he let out an exaggerated sigh, his expression blank as he wrapped his arms around the (h/c) male.

"Hello, cum rocket," Erin said breathily. Y/n chose to ignore the nickname that seemed to stick since Erin learned what cum was in the sixth grade.

"Did you know we were here, or were you just passing by?" Y/n asked, trying to free his arms from the death-grip the brown haired male had them locked in. The strength difference was crazy. At least now, in case anything goes wrong, it wouldn't be two borderline weak and unathletic teenagers against a serial killer, but two borderline weak and unathletic teenagers and a stronger, unathletic teenager against a serial killer.

Except that stronger teen was like 5'0.


"Nah, I just had you tracked down on my phone," Erin replied sarcastically. "What the fuck do you think? Anyway, I was walking my dog and I saw you guys so I thought I'd say hi."

"And scare the shit out of us," Towa mumbled beside them, which Erin pointedly ignored.

Y/n blinked, his eyebrow raising.

"You don't have a dog," He said, almost as a question. Erin smirked and pointed behind himself with a thumb.

Y/n and Towa finally noticed Wade, who'd completely slipped their senses before, leaning against a tree. He rolled his eyes at Erin's claim.

"Fuck you, at least I'm not short," Wade hissed. The two of them were always back and forth like a married couple who's only saving grace were the children that they couldn't just kick to the curb.

Y/n's phone dinged, but he hardly noticed, and if he did, he didn't check it.

"At least I'm not a fag," Erin retorted quickly, not even turning to look back at Wade, who sputtered uselessly.

"What?? You're, like, the living definition of.. that word," Wade said, his voice high with disbelief, and Erin's eyebrows rose comically high.

"Oh? What was that? That's going on my Twitter." Erin reached for his phone, giving Y/n a forgotten opportunity to free himself, before changing his mind halfway and locking him back up. "Actually, no. Come here and I'll prove you right."

A grin cracked on his face as he leaned back, looking at a now upside-down Wade, who's face went red. Towa had to hold a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing loudly.

"Ew. Bye. I'll be up here somewhere." With that, the brown haired male climbed back up the steep hill and disappeared to the sidewalk.

"Noo, baby-girl, come back.. oh well." Erin turned his attention back to the two males, one of which who was struggling to keep it together. "What are you two doing out here? Your fuck sesh get cut off cause of fish-stick and Pennywise over there?"

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