"Daniel, where did he go?" Mark asked. Nick ran behind the house to look for him there. "I didn't even see he came out of the house." Daniel said. Alexander took a look at the opened gates, and his eyes widened. "Fuck." He said and ran to them.


Angelo didn't know how much time passed but he had lost the sight of the cat was long lost. But he just kept going further into the forest. He liked the sound the snow made under his feet and some time ago it had started snowing.

As he was walking he felt tired and cold. "Alex, I'm cold." He said but got no answer. Angelo turned around and it hit him that he was completely alone the whole time. He had gotten used to having Alex around him at all times.

"Alex!" Angelo yelled but only the wind was heard. His eyes started to tear up because he didn't know where to go or where he came from. He was lost and the silence scared hi..

"Alex where are you?" Dominic asked on a call with Alexander. The whole family split up and went to look for the missing boy. At first Alexander thought it would be easy to find him because he couldn't have gone far and his feet marks would've been noticeable but they suddenly went off the path into the woods where the trace of him couldn't be seen.

"I don't know to be honest. I just kept going further into the forest but he probably took some turn I didn't see." Alex answered Dominic. "We have nothing too. It feels like we're going I'm circles but there's no sign of him. Do you think... maybe..." Dominic said. "No, I'm sure he didn't get kidnapped... I hope. There's no way... ahhh I should've put a GPS track on him." Alexander said. "Let's just keep looking. Will you be okay alone?"

"Yes, I'll just keep yelling his name. We should find him before it gets dark." Alexander said and hung up.

Angelo was getting colder and colder. He cried for a long time but it wasn't useful at all now his face sting because of the cold. He walked somewhere but he didn't know where he's going. Angelo just wanted to go home and be with his brothers.

Suddenly he heard barking. He froze. The barking got closer and closer and then he saw a big dog. A large one. He jumped on the little boy and he fell. Angelo covered his face and started screaming even though the dog was just sniffing him.

"Max! Get off!" The dogs owner said. When the dog calmed down the stranger reached out a hand for Angelo to take. The little boy happily took it and got up from the hard ground still crying. "Angelo?" The stranger said. When the last tears got out of Angelos eyes he looked up and saw a familiar face.

It was Vlads older brother Marat. "Kiddo, what are you doing in the forest?" Marat asked in a caring tone crouching down on the same level as Angelo. The boy was too emotional so he just threw himself on Marat hugging him. And he cried. "Let's get you calm down. Our house in not far away." Marat said and carried Angelo to a safe place.

It wasn't far away at all because Angelo quickly saw a house. It wasn't big but looked really cozy and as they stepped inside warmth hit him with smell of food. "Here we go." Marat said putting Angelo down and getting him undressed. "Let's go sit by the fireplace, you're really cold." Angelo waited for Marat to get undressed while Max was jumping around him. Angelo wasn't so scared of him anymore.

As they both walked to the fireplace Renat saw them and asked confused "What are you doing here Angelo?" Angelo lowered his head and started explaining. "We were planning to go out to the forest but I went out before everyone and got lost." He said with tears in his eyes.

"Oh my, I'll call Alexander quickly he must be worried. Sit here to warm up." Marat said and pulled his phone out and found Alexander in his contact list.

After 3 beeps he picked up. "Yes?" Alex said. "Hey, man. I found Angelo in the forest." A relived sigh was heard from the other line. "Where are you?" Alex asked. "I'll send you the location." Marat said. "Okay. I'll be there as fast as I can." Alexander said and called to inform the rest of the family.

After and hour Angelo had warmed up and a knock was heard on the front door. Marat went to open in right away. "Hi." Alexander said stepping inside. Angelo stepped into Alexanders point of view and saw his olders brother unreadable look. "Thank you for finding him. How- How can I repay you?" Alex asked. "Are you crazy? I don't need anything from you I just did what anyone would've done." Marat said. Alexander wasn't used to people that aren't his family doing good to him. "Thank you. Maybe you would like to have a dinner with us? It's such a coincidence that our rest houses are so close to each other. It just took me a while to get out if the forest myself but it was only 20 minutes till I got here with a car." Alexander said.

"Actually, if you don't mind, of course, maybe we can celebrate Christmas with you? I mean it's just the three of us here and I think boys are kind of sad." Marat said. "Of course! I think that would be nice. I'll send you our address later. Let's go, Angelo?" Alexander asked. Angelo just nodded and went to get dressed. They again thanked Marat and went to the car.

The ride to the house was silent. Angelo was nervous. When they got to the house everyone happily hugging the found kid. "Angelo. Let's go to our room." Alexander said strictly and went to their room. Angelo followed fast. "His daddy side is kicking in." Micha said and Evan laughed.

When they got to their room and Alexander closed the door he sat on the bed and looked at Angelo. "What did I tell you?" He finnaly asked. Angelo looked down and quietly said. "Not to go out without you."

"Look me in the eyes and speak clearly." Alexander said making Angelo quickly look up at him. It was the first time Angelo has seen him like this. It's like he's angry. He has always been sweet and caring even when Angelo made mistakes. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I- I just saw a cat and- and-" Angelo cried, but Alex cut him off. "A cat?! It's a forest cat he can be dangerous! What if he bit or scratched you? Thank God Marat was the one who found you. Forest is full of hunters who will hunt you down and feed you to their dogs." Angelos' eyes widened in shock. Alexander sighed. "Sorry, the part about hunters hunting you I made up, but still I am so angry that you didn't listen! I got so worried I thought I'll go crazy! How many times I have told you to tell me if you're going somewhere but you just don't listen!" Alexander said.

Angelo was quietly crying and said. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again. I promise! You can hit me or - or lock me up in a basement with no food I will learn! Or you can -"

"Angelo, stop! What are you talking about? I would never do that! Sweetie, come here." Alex said with open arms. Angelo ran to him and loudly cried into his chest. "I was so scared!" He said as Alex rubbed his back. "It's okay, it's okay, I'm sorry for scaring you, but don't do that ever again. And no matter how angry I would get, I would never ever hit you. Remember that." Alex said.

Angelo kept crying until he fell asleep.


Love is making sure you know where they are at all times.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated for a long time. I had a lot going on, but hopefully, the next chapter will come faster! Thank you for reading. Take care!


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