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Scarlett was focused on Cady and what was to come next, the night had been going exactly like she wanted to.

"Cady baby, why don't you go talk to Aaron for a bit? I know you've liked him since the start of the year, maybe you guys will share a kiss later today!?" Scarlett offered the redhead with a smile, making Cady blush. Although, she had no idea what to say to him.

All of her previous attempts were a little embarrassing, so she decided to give up. But with Scarlett's help, maybe she would succeed for once.

"Alright, what shall I say? I'm like kind of bad at this" she admitted. Scarlett tried to hold back a smile.

"Just make small talk, I'm sure you guys will come up with something. After that he will probably ask you for a drink. Just come back to me when he does!"

Everything was going according to her plan, this was almost too easy.

Cady gained all of her confidence, walking towards Aaron and giving a thumbs up to Scarlett. Scarlett winked at the girl before getting herself a drink.

It was just a matter of time before Cady would come back to her, there was no way cady would succeed in having a conversation for longer than like 5 minutes.

From afar Scarlett could hear everything and she tried not to cringe. Aaron too was surprised by her consume, just not in a bad way. They talked a bit about how he thought Cady was different from anyone else. He appreciated the effort in her costume and even smiled when Cady asked him for juice instead of like a beer.

If Scarlett was being honest, it was kind of cute. She could tell the guy was interested in her. However, Cady just looked a bit obsessed with him. She stared into his eyes a little too long, moved towards him a little too closely and just wanted to talk a little too much.

It was perfect material for her little scene.

It didn't take long before Cady came walking back. Scarlett shot Regina a quick test, telling her to go talk go Aaron upstairs.

"Did he go get drinks?" Scarlett asked the girl who nodded her head.

"Yeah, he said he would be back later. I think he also went talking to his friends." Scarlett smiled.

"Alright, why don't we go somewhere more quiet. I'll tell you more about how to win boys over"

The two walked outside. It was pretty quite out there since it's mid October, which means coldness. This was perfect, like this people would notice Cadys absence and hopefully Aaron's as well.

Scarlett and Cady talked for a bit. Cady told her every conversation that her and Aaron had had and Scarlett just listened for the most part.

Now and then she would give her some tips and tricks. But mostly it just consisted of Cady obsessing over Aaron. Honestly if she wanted to she wouldn't even have to lie about whatever she was going to tell the people of Nortshore.

Scarlett soon texted Regina to come back in the house and meet Scarlett there, she told the blonde to leave Aaron with whoever he wanted to talk with and make sure not to be seen together.

Scarlett would do the same with Cady, let the girl do whatever she wanted, which was probably go and talk to Aaron.

For the first time that night Scarlett met up with Regina. The pair greeted each other in a hungry kiss, alcohol already cruising through their veins.

Don't look at her, just don't (Regina George)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat