Mikas Musical (Remake)

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Chapa hitting Frankini to the wall who's inside a sack then Frankini said something that surprised her
Frankini: This isn't a real kidnapping.
Volt: What'd you say?
Frankini: The Kidnapping is fake, He hires me to kidnap him everytime he doesn't want to do something
Vice Mayor: well guess what, I'm not taking you water skiing anymore
Franklin: Seriously I didn't even want to do this anyway
Volt and Awol: we're sorry
Vice Mayor: Apology Accepted
Volt and Awol: Not you
Volt: you did nothing wrong, we're sorry for beating you Franklin
Awol: Yeah you just wanted to go water skiing
Vice Mayor: And I just wanted to get out of that awful play, I mean we're all victims here
Vice Mayor was about to drink a beverage but Volt zapped the bottle out of his hand
Vice Mayor: I'm sorry I've learned my lesson let's just all go home.
Volt: *sparks* No You're gonna back out there and finish watching your stepsons play and when it's over you're gonna clap so hard you're hands hurt and if they don't hurt I am going TO MAKE THEM HURT.
Volt: Are we Clear?
Vice Mayor: Yes ma'am
But what no one knew was bose was listening the whole time and hearing Chapa say that made him so happy. Then he goes back on stage
The Vice Mayor walks out
Franklin: you know if you need another person to be apart of the play I am a great singer so.
Volt: Okay.
After the play everyone is clapping and Vice Mayor gets a tear in his eye.
The gang is back at the man's nest Mika miles and Ray are in other part of the man's nest and Bose and Chapa are in the main room of the man's nest which is the man's nest itself
Note: Sorry if that made no sense 💀
Bose: Hey Chapa
Chapa: Yeah what's up?
Bose: I just wanna thanks for what you did earlier I really appreciate it.
Chapa: *blushing* Oh you heard?
Bose: yeah it made me feel so happy and because of you I wasn't nervous anymore
Chapa: no problem Bosey
Then to Chapas Surprise Bose kissed her but she relaxed and kissed back. It felt nice then a few seconds later they pulled away
Bapa Forever 💙❤️

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