A Henry Among Us (Remake) PT 2

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They are listening into To Twitlers Plan
Drex: so what's this thing your building a machine to call out more of your computer viruses so you can destroy the internet?
Cyborg Rick Twitler: Nah I think that one(pointing to Chapa) killed the last of my viruses
Volt: "Sorry"
Cyborg Rick Twitler: that's okay now that I'm half robot I have a very different take on the internet
He removes his hand and puts the stick into the machine
Volt: are you gonna stab it to death?
Cyborg Rick Twitler: *chuckles sarcastically then stops* no
Shoutout: Wait why are you suddenly glowing?
(Scene shows Man's nest for a sec)
Awol: I bet he's drawing internet power
(Back at Nakatomi Tower)
Cyborg Rick Twitler: Cause I'm drawing internet power
Awol: See?
*time skip*
Brainstorm: what do you guys think Twitlers doing to them now?
Bose is thinking about Chapa obviously
Awol: I bet he's touching my sisters hair she hates it when people touch her hair
Captain Man: I touch her hair all the time
Awol: and she hates it
Captain Man: good to know
*atom transition to Nakatomi Tower*
Cyborg Rick Twitler: Okay I tried my best not to touch your hair but it's hard not too when you're brainwashing someone
Volt then lifts her head up when the brainwashing process is done
Rick Twitler: Oh First one's out of the oven how we looking
Volt opens her eyes and they glow white then shows like cybernetic eyes
*back at the man's nest*
Henry: Guys
Everyone turns around and looks at Henry
Henry: This feels like a trap
Captain Man: How?
Henry: it's too easy I mean, Rick Twitler probably knew we were listening in
Awol: *scoff* how'd he know that?
Henry: he knows everything it's kinda he's thing.
Captain Man: I say we go
Awol: I say go
Henry: I say trap
Everyone looks at Bose
Brainstorm: I don't know what to say
(Classic Bose lol 😂)
*another time skip*
Drex comes out from the tunnel thing and Captain Man tried to punch Drex but he grabbed his fist
Drex: getting slow old man
They both do some moves on each other
Awol: Can I get in hello? Okay you 2 clearly have a thing going on.
Drex grabbed Ray and tried to scratch him with his claw but nothing happened and he was confused
Captain Man: I'm okay
He punches Drex twice and Drex falls the ground
Captain Man: man that felt good, you wanna kick him or something?
Awol: No I can't do that he's already on the ground
Captain Man: sure you can watch
As Captain Man was about to kick Drex, Shoutout super screamed them to the wall causing them both to get knocked unconscious
Henry grabs her and covers her mouth
Henry: Shhhhhh
Brainstorm: So it was a trap, but why's Mika all evil now?
Henry: I don't know, but if there's an evil Shoutout there's probably an evil-
Henry gets cut off when Volt zaps him and Bose Mika helps Drex up then Chapa says
Volt: Boss says bring this one (pointing to Henry) back.
Drex drags Henry by the leg
*Time Skip*
Henry's Force Field is being generated by the machine*
(I'm skipping ahead)
Awol, Captain Man and Brainstorm arrive
Captain Man: Okay here's the plan we run the old Tennessee Hambone with Aloha Twist Twitlers the anvil, Pincers on Drex you guys ready?
Awol: yeah yeah quick question tho.
Captain Man: What?
Awol: Do you know that they can see us?
They look up and saw that Drex, Twitler, Volt, and Shoutout are looking at them
Rick Twitler: hey..
Captain Man: Okay new plan try not to get killed
They start fighting Then Captain Man tried to punch Drex but Drex threw him off the building and Awol teleported to go get him
Brainstorm: Guys please listen to me I know you're still in there
Volt: *sparks*
Brainstorm: Please don't hurt me
He slides underneath them Chapa and Mika both use their power to try to hit Brainstorm but end up hitting each other
Brainstorm: wow I did not think that would work
Captain Man: Thanks for the lift
Awol: Just try to stay on the roof-
Drex: *grabs Awol and knocks him to the ground*
Henry: Hey Buddy..
Captain Man: hang on kid
Twitler used his laser to make Captain Man struggle and Volt and Shoutout used their powers to do the same then He frees Henry and Falls off the building again
As time went by Volt and Shoutout we're back to Normal
Twitler went up to Henry and Grabbed him
Volt: Let him go Twitler
Shoutout: We said let him go
Henry punched Twitler with arm and moved out of the way
Cyborg Rick Twitler: This is probably gonna hurt
Volt and Shoutout used their powers to knock him out
Shoutout: Oh hey stranger thought you were in Dystopia
Volt: Yeah when'd you get here
Henry: About 4 hours-
Volt: Ugh Seriously that's like louder than her dude
Henry: Right?
Brainstorm: it's so good to have you both back especially you Chapa
He hugs her and smiled, Chapa hugged back and also Smiled.
Volt: Hehe seems like someone missed me a lot
Brainstorm: Yeah I did
Captain Man: Wait Wait I'm back
Everyone looks at him
Captain Man: what I miss it?
Volt: Little abit
Shoutout: looked cool tho
Captain Man: So what are we supposed to do with him?
Volt: I have ideas
Brainstorm: Ooo
*atom translation to Man's Nest*
Rick Twitler (head): I like my body back please
Everyone laughing
Rick Twitler (head): this isn't funny
Henry: Then why are we laughing?
Brainstorm: Right?
Volt: it's funny
Henry: Hold on I gotta take this. Hey Ray I'm so glad you called
Captain Man: Just checking
So Mika ask when do they go find Drex and Brainstorm pointed out that Schwoz said Drex isn't Swellview more
Awol: hes someone else's problem
Henry: Yeah mine
Captain Man: Thought you were going back to Dystopia
Henry: Eventually but I don't like the idea of Drex being out there, the world's a worst place with him in it.
Captain Man: You want some help?
Henry: Nah I got this
Both of them hug (that's nice)
Volt: see you around Henry Hart
The metal door opens
the body of Rick Twitler runs around randomly and points at Henry, Everyone else laughing
Henry: Ah I miss this Down the tube

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