Chapter 1: I can take it away

Start from the beginning

"There's no need for that. I had to leave quickly as there was an emergency at my workplace."

Your gaze on him was charged with suspicion as you fixated upon the man in front of you. Your eyes bore into him, scrutinising him carefully and he seems to do it back to you.

"What can I say? I can be quite forgetful. But you already knew that. Don't you?"

There's a wariness etched into the furrow of your brow, a palpable tension engulfs you both. As you observe him, your lips stretched into a thin line, betraying the apprehension that churned within you.

You grab the list nonetheless and search for his name, to which no surprise, is not there. Your posture remained rigid, as if poised to react at the slightest indication of deception.

"Hold on, I'm going to need to make a call." you reply as you reach for the telephone and dial Francis's number.

Upon hearing the real Francis's voice, you can now see the true imposter in front of you.

"Oh Francis, Francis. Or should I say you extra terrestrial thing." you sighed before speaking again.

"Suck on that. Human scores two, freak of nature scores zero." you taunt him, feeling proud of yourself for penetrating the facade he presents.

The man's face betrays a fleeting moment of surprise, quickly masked by a forced grin that stretched across his lips like thin veneer. You notice incisors pointed out, poised as fangs eager to puncture flesh.

"I never knew we were keeping scores now." he chuckled, the tone of his voice tinged with annoyance as he tries to diffuse the tension.

You can tell he's straining himself from lashing out on you, his struggles are all too apparent when you spot a flicker of anger shimmering in his face.

"And I never knew you could form sentences?" your glare did not waver; it remained fixed like a laser.

His eyes pierce into yours which convey a multitude of emotions and he chuckles from this, deftly deflecting any more responses from you as you stare at him in confusion. With a self-deprecating shrug, he responds.

"You're going to lose eventually. And when I win, I'm going to make you wish you never took this job."

That's all you needed to hear before you slam your hand on the danger button. The metal blinds closes shut and you dial the D.D.D number. Once the whole clean-up process is done, you let out a long, heavy sigh and begin to pack away your things, leaving the office clean.


The next day, the cycle continue: you remind the real Francis of his hat, to which he scurries back to his apartment and hurries out the door as you wave him goodbye, you let in your real neighbours into the building and you call the D.D.D employees when a Doppelganger fails miserably to conceal their creature features.

You go through all the stages of overthinking whenever you're bored and you can't help to think of yesterday's experience. Francis's doppelganger formed clear and cheeky sentences. He's upping his game which means you should do too.

Oh, here he comes. The milkman makes his way towards you again and you stop slouching in your seat, wanting to make sure he knows you're fully alert.

He smiles at you before slipping his ID and you check his number and picture. Your eyes flickered from feature to feature searching for some elusive telltale sign of his true form. Despite the man's attempt to seem nonchalant, you remained unmoved, your suspicion growing as you met him with a sceptical glare. You grab the folder according to his apartment number to check if everything matches and to you it seems every detail satisfies the description.

Make you mine - Francis Mosses x readerWhere stories live. Discover now