Chapter 1: I can take it away

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Song: Off Beat- The Red Pears

It's been a few months now since the whole alien invasion. At first, you had a hard time believing such a ludicrous rumour of supposedly 'shapeshifters' or whatever abomination they are, existed along with us humans, until the press made it loud and clear that they are in fact real.

You remember the news going haywire over this, alerting citizens of the danger, the government advising the public and the whole media was just filled with terrifying updates. They gave it a name.

Doppelgangers. It sounds absurd and, in a way, kind of silly.

But after a while, we learnt from our mistakes and developed ways where instead of getting rid of the problem for good (which you're sure that will never happen), we can learn to live with it, and overcome it. That's how the Doppelganger Detection Department came into force. And when that happened, more jobs were created. It was perfect timing for you because you were in need of money since you got fired from your last position.

So when you heard there's a vacancy for the doorman position in your apartment, you just couldn't let that opportunity go to waste. You knew the danger, but oh what the hell. You're a sucker for that type of stuff.

You re-watched the tapes that the department gave you and noted it down. You knew that dealing with this type of thing was serious. Failing to act according to your job description would put you and your neighbour's lives at risk.

At first, it was very hard coming face to face with these creatures. You remember nearly having a mental breakdown because you met your first doppelganger and you saw a huge mouth covering their whole face and you could never forget how terrifying it was looking at their teeth. Their mouth resembled a cavern with rows of daggers, and god forbid those daggers touch you and tear you into pieces.

After dealing with those abnormalities, you got used to it. You got used to their uncanny looks and the death threats that would spill from their mouths. The job became a piece of cake.

Until one neighbour made an appearance.

His name was Francis. Francis Mosses. He worked as a milkman and his tired eyes always bore into you before striking up a nice conversation. Dare you might say, he's strikingly hot. The way his voice is always smooth and soothing, flowing effortlessly like melted chocolate. And the dark circles tinged with a darker shade, almost the same colour as his eyes.

You also loved how forgetful the man can be and it's funny how it became a habit of you being his personal checklist before he leaves the building. He appreciates the little reminders you give him and regards you with a chuckle or a thank you.

However, you began to develop mixed feelings about him ever since the 'incident'. It all changed when you met his Doppelganger for the first time. From the start, he was too easy to notice. One day he would appear with extra mini hands from under his white hat (ew), the next day he would come in with long ears and so on. But as days pass by, you're becoming aware that the doppelganger is... improving.

Yesterday, you nearly gave him access into the building. His appearance was nearly top notch if it wasn't for his nose which was in a different shape. You pressed the red button before he could enter but you didn't fail to catch a smirk on the corner of his lip.

Sneaky bastard.

This was your sign to take this shit to the next level. You have to be fully aware. This doppelganger is catching up, making it more difficult for you to distinguish the features and you can't let that thing trick you. You make the discovery that the creature is learning as it goes. Adapting.

Your train of thoughts breaks when you hear footsteps approaching and the sight of the milkman comes into view. Speak of the devil.

You pull out the checklist as he slides in his ID, your brows knitted together and eyes furrowing as you study him. Your eyes dart to the card and back at his face, inspecting his features and every detail on him. Your hand reaches for the list but before you could check it, the man speaks.

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