Chapter 9

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In the realm of purgatory, time and space converge into an enigmatic dance of shadows and fog. This is a world suspended in a perpetual dusk, where a thick fog clings to the barren landscape like a shroud, obscuring the view beyond a few paces and rendering the distance an impenetrable void. Here, the souls of the departed wander aimlessly.

Amidst this eternal gloaming, pockets of clarity emerge as if by some capricious whim of the realm itself. Within these transient oases, remnants of a life once lived stand as desolate monuments—echoes of a forgotten time. A dilapidated church may rise from the mist, its bell silent and its doors agape, inviting the weary to ponder what sermons might have echoed within its walls. A house, fractured and forlorn, offers the illusion of shelter, with a bed that whispers promises of rest to those who have not felt the solace of sleep in ages.

But more often than not, these clearings are home to mere fragments of civilization's memory: a broken column, a fragment of a fresco, a lone gravestone tilting at an impossible angle. They are the remnants of stories untold, lives unfinished, and fates unfulfilled. How they end up in purgatory is a mystery. It is a land of in-between, where the only certainty is the uncertainty of redemption or damnation.

It was in this desolate place that Lena had wandered for... well, how many years she couldn't be certain anymore.

Lena's presence in this dismal space was no mystery to her. A once pristine soul, she now carried the mark of a dire misstep, a misdeed that sealed her fate away from heaven's embrace. Her damnation stemmed not solely from healing a deranged man with the dark arts that flowed unwittingly through her. The true sin lay in the moment of realization, when she uncovered his true identity and yet chose silence over potentially endangering herself, a decision that cast a shadow over her luminous spirit and consigned her to the twilight of purgatory.

The guilt of that act had always weighed upon her like chains, turning every smile into a facade, every laugh into a muted plea for absolution. The specter of Alastor Altruist, the man she saved, loomed over her, free to roam while she faced her violent end.

Her demise was a cruel echo of her inner turmoil. Hunted down by a group of inebriated men, she was cornered in the shadows of an alley, subjected to their brutality, and left with her life's song cut short.

In her heart, she accepted this fate as penance for her silence, for fleeing from the harsh glare of truth, protecting a mad man in her cowardice.

Upon awakening in this realm, Lena's appearance became a reflection of her inner strife—a chimeric embodiment blending human and fox. The fox, a creature known for its cunning evasion, was a poignant symbol of her own life, marked by the instinct to flee from peril rather than confront it.

Her once warm brown curls now blazed with the hue of blood, streaked black with the darkness of her concealed sins. It was thick and long, worn in a side-part that covered half her face and cascaded down her back. The black-tipped crimson of her new ears and tail were emblems of her guilt and the taint upon her spirit.

Her hands, once gentle and healing, now bore the black claws of a creature caught between worlds, a physical manifestation of her inner conflict and the monstrous truth she had hidden away. Lena's transformation was complete—a reflection of her soul's journey and the price of her choices.

Lena had encountered her reflection in purgatory just a single time, yet that solitary glimpse had etched itself into her memory. It wasn't that her new form was hideous, far from it actually. It wasn't as if she were covered in fur like a fox. Her skin maintained its soft, mocha hue, though her eyes were an unsettling crimson. She wasn't too crazy about that. Still, the vulpine features she had acquired, the ears and tail, were not grotesque but rather alluring in a way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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