Part 3

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In The Hall

As Wei Ying had said, everyone in the Mansion would gather in the hall

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As Wei Ying had said, everyone in the Mansion would gather in the hall. So, following the orders of their Young Master, all the servants, butlers, chefs, gardeners and bodyguards are present in the hall. All of them have been waiting for the arrival of their Young Master for 16 minutes. At this moment, every person standing in the hall has only one question in their mind,

"Who is that omega with their Young Master?"

Everyone becomes alert after hearing the sound of the gate opening. And looked upstairs where Wei Ying and Wangji are coming down the stairs together, hand in hand again.

Now both of them are standing in front of the servants, but seeing the sight in front of them, Wangji's eyes remain wide open. Because right now there are more than 50 people present in front of him.

"Lan Zhan", Wei Ying calls Wangji after seeing his face expressions.

"Lan Zhan"...!!

"Lan Zhan"...?

"Lan Wangji"...????

"hn...!!??? Yes... yes"...? Wangji suddenly says with surprise.

Wei Ying suddenly say, grabbing one of Wangji's shoulders. That's why Wangji was suddenly shocked.

Are you OK? Wei Ying asked Wangji.

Yes. I am absolutely fine. Wangji says.

Wei Ying shakes his head and turns towards the servants. And while making a huge explosion on them, he says to them.

"Meet... "My Husband Lan Wangji" who is the 2nd brother of Lan Xichen, CEO of Lan corporation and younger nephew of Mr.Lan Qiren, who is also a 3rd year Arts student at Beijing University, said Wei Ying while looking at Wangji.

"Hello...!! Nice to meet you all. My name is Lan Wangji. You all can also lovingly call me Lan Zhan". Wangji says in a sweet voice as always. Bows to everyone in respect.

"I just want to say to all of you that as much respect and care as you all show to me, from now on my husband should get the same respect and care. And if... *stares dangerously* even by mistake. Someone hurt him or disobeyed his orders So I promise that that person's last day will be not only in this house but also in this world. And I will ensure this myself.... I hope you all have understood my point. Wei Ying gives a warning to everyone at once.

"Yes Young Master" We understood. Everyone speaks together with one voice. From now on we all together take good care of "Little Master". They repeat their statement again.

For once, even Wangji gets scared after hearing such a voice from Wei Ying but he remains.

"Lan Zhan" Wei Ying says, turning to Wangji.

"Yes?" Wangji was shocked to hear his name suddenly.

"Come here" Wei Ying calls Wangji and introduces him to his oldest butler.

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