Chapter-28: Uninvited blues

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Aarav asked , " So you are not ready for it ? ". Aarohi said , " No, I am ready to bear responsibilities with my partner. I just want whoever the man approaches me in the future he should be sure about me. He should also be mature enough. I read fictional romance. But it never grounded me from realities. I know the difference between fiction and the real world really well."

Aarav asked , " You mean while reading fiction you never fantasized about a mafia person who is obsessed with you and ready to kill any person who lays eyes on you". This led Aarohi to burst into laughter.

Aarav replied , " I heard it somewhere that all fiction readers fav genre is dark romance ". Aarohi replied , " But mine is soft romance in a slow burn manner. I am not a teenager anymore who fantasized over something which actually sounds impractical in the real world ".

Aarav raised his eyebrows and asked , " So you don't want a man that can burn down the world to ashes for you ? ". Aarohi replied , " I want a man who is ready to build his world with me, a gentleman who is ready to nourish this relationship with Love, Trust and Loyalty. These ashes and destruction are not my kind of requirements to prove love."

Aarav said , " Your thoughts actually leave me astonished sometimes. I mean how could someone be so much sorted and mature". Aarohi chuckled, " Just like you".

Aarohi's P.O.V.
I don't want to bind him to any expectations ,especially related to fiction. I read it but I don't want it to increase the burden over my partner's shoulder for the things I didn't even bother about. He is perfect for me.

Aarav said , " I think we should leave now. It's quite late ". Aarohi said , " Yeah, even I was thinking the same ". They both headed towards the car.

He opened the gate and after settling comfortably. They headed back to Aarohi's place. This ride back to home was comfortable and cosy.He was much focused on driving while she was gazing out of the window.

Time skips....

She was sitting in the passenger seat. Aarav asked , " So after internship, you want to pursue a masters or you want to settle for a job ? ".

Aarohi replied, " I was thinking ........ ".
Before she could complete she felt a piercing pain in her lower abdomen. She hissed in pain and clutched her eyes closed in pain.

Aarav asked in a concerned manner , " You okay ? ". Aarohi tried best to cover her emotions and said , " Yeah I am alright. I think I am just tired. That's why I'm feeling some uneasy".

Aarav asked , " Are you sure ? ". Aarohi said with an assuring smile , " Yeah , don't worry ". Aarav said , " Okay you will soon be at your home then you can take rest ".

Aarohi's P.O.V.
Please god, not today. My period was supposed to get one week later. Why are they here today. Especially when I am out with him. I can't tell him the reason behind these cramps. It's not easy to tell him. I don't know what to do now.

Her mind was occupied with the hope to reach home as early as possible before her condition worsened. Finally they reach her home.

But the cramps were now out of her tolerance and she hissed in pain while a tear collected in her eyes. It didn't go unnoticed by Aarav.

Flames of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora