O5. Long time Ago

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I wrote this because I wanted to experiment with this ship
(Solar x Moon), so here it is:
(Btw they are not related in this one-shot)
In Parts and Services, Moon and Solar were focused on creating Jack, the animatronic that would protect Lunar, only today the atmosphere was somewhat peculiar; they had been like this for several weeks, and for both of them, it was somewhat confusing, especially for Solar. Moon and he had been jokingly flirting, or so it seemed.

Moon was busy adjusting gears and connecting circuits, while Solar was in charge of Jack's programming.

Programming had always been simple for Solar, so as soon as he finished, he headed to help Moon.

"Do you need help with anything, Moon?"

Moon turned to look at him, stopping his work for a few seconds.

"You know, Solar? That shirt really brings out your eyes~" he said as usual with a flirtatious tone.

"Thanks, Moon. Although, I think your smile makes my whole day better~" Solar replied.

"See? You always have a clever response for everything."

"Well, I try to keep up with your intelligence~" he said, getting closer to Moon.

"You don't have to try so hard, Solar. I like your honesty~" Moon said, also getting up from where he was working to face him, although Solar was a bit taller.

"Alright, you know what? If you're just going to keep flirting with me, then?" he said, smiling.

"Yes, I suppose so~" Moon replied, looking at him.

They were very close.

"Shut up, candy corn boy!" he said, pushing him away.

"I think I win this time, don't I?"

"Yes, yes, of course. Now, would you mind getting some gears and helping me with this?" he ordered, pointing to Jack's unfinished mechanism.

"Alright, I'll be back soon."

As Solar headed towards where the gears were, Moon felt nervous.

What's wrong with me? They're just jokes... It's as if... no, I better not think about it. I just have to focus on finishing Jack.

Solar didn't come back.

Strange... Solar is taking too long, should I go check on him?... I don't think anything happened to him... but... I better see if everything is okay.

Moon was now in the back of the plex where they left the parts for the animatronics; it wasn't a very large place, but Solar had already spent more time than usual just looking for one thing.

I'm starting to regret this... I can't see almost anything... where did you go, Solar?

He sighed.

"SOLAR!, SOLAR!" he searched for Solar while shouting his name and walking.

The place became darker and darker due to some of the lights malfunctioning.


Hands on his hips made Moon jump, and as a reflex, he cornered the other person against the nearest wall.

"Ouch!... If you wanted a kiss, it wasn't necessary to throw me and corner me against the nearest wall, Moony~"



"Damn you son of a bitch, you almost gave me a heart attack."

"Yes, I noticed, sorry," he replied nervously laughing.

Mechanicalshark One-shots (Solar x Ruin)//SamsWhere stories live. Discover now