Journey's End

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Suddenly the power goes out, "They've got us. Power's gone. Some kind of chronon loop," the Doctor said. The TARDIS tilts and the Doctor hurries to grab his wife while Mickey managed to grab Harry before either could fall.


Jackie was going to do something ballsy, and she didn't like it, but she needed to find the couple she came to care about and her idiot daughter. She had been approached by the other universes version of the Doctor worried about her missing husband and knew the Deaths were together. She puts down her gun and approaches the Daleks, "I surrender," she said.

"All humans in this sector will be taken to the Crucible," the Daleks said. Jackie walks out, hoping she could return Harry to the worried brunette who can't save her universe by herself.


Martha made sure her mother was protected as for some reason she couldn't access the EMP or contact her siblings and left again now knowing how to use the transport. She landed in Germany and witnessed the Daleks that apparently knew German too as they spoke "Exterminieren!" instead of "Exterminate!"


"There's a massive Dalek ship in the center of all the planets. They're calling it the Crucible," Mickey told them.

"Great, so we're going there," Donna sighed and then turned to the Doctor, "You said these planets were like an engine. But what for?"

"Rose, you've been in a parallel world longer. That world's running ahead of this universe. You've seen the future. What was it?" the Doctor asked the blonde. He was becoming aware that there may be a version of him over there who was worried over Harry and feeling useless to save their universe.

"It's the darkness," Rose said.

"So helpful," the Doctor deadpanned.

"The stars were going out," Donna added, giving Rose a starting point.

"One by one," Rose added, "We looked up at the sky and they were just dying. Basically, we've been building this, er, this travel machine, this, this er, dimension cannon, so I could—well, so I could..."

"What?" the Doctor asked impatiently.

"So I could come back. Shut up," she said when most rolled their eyes, "Anyway, suddenly, it started to work and the dimensions started to collapse. Not just in our world, not just in yours, but the whole of reality. Even the Void was dead. Something is destroying everything," Rose explained.

"Yeah, and you caused it," the Doctor said bluntly, "Now another version of me is probably pissed at you and feeling helpless to save their universe, and now this is being put on me before other Deaths start appearing in another universes and end up being like these two," the Doctor motioned to the two Deaths, some startling yet again when the two had found Rose again and glared.

"They're listening," Mickey noticed.

"What do you mean?" Sarah Jane spoke up.

"You just mentioned another version of you, the one that would be with Harry—Harry's wife actually, and how she's feeling helpless. Harry's glaring harder than Ivy," Mickey explained. They all looked back and the glares had disappeared replaced with blank faces. They now had blank expressions, still pointing at the hand, but now they stared in Donna's direction.

"In that parallel universe, you said something about me," Donna said.

"The dimension cannon could measure timelines, and it's, it's weird, Donna, but they all seem to converge on you," Rose told her.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 30 ⏰

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