Voyage of the Damned

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The Doctor still stared up at the ship that had crashed into his TARDIS in shock, "What?" he says again, the horn sounding off, "What?" he repeats looking up at his family. Ivy just shrugs she doesn't know what to think of this. Lily, from the portraits angle, sees the name, "Is that the actual Titanic?" she asked as the Doctor moved the TARDIS away from the ship, reappearing on the ship, "No, we're in space," he says, he's been on the actual Titanic, the icebergs were cold. The foghorn sounds again as the family made their way off, making Ivy and Teddy jump. "Why would somebody name a space ship after a famous ship that sunk?" they heard Lily ask behind them.

The Doctor turned his head to look at his family, twins were standing on each side of Ivy, hands tightly wrapped around her own hands, the crash and the foghorn had startled them. Teddy was slightly behind him, not as startled but he probably expected a fog horn to go off again. They made their way out of the room they appeared in to find a reception area, people dressed in old fashioned dresses enjoying champagne that was being passed around. It was a rather fancy room with gold statues and statues of male angels, if it had been female angels he would have sent his children back immediately. He walked up to the angels to find that they were actually robots. The Doctor spots a small red alien off to the side, again confirming that they were in space. He looks outside at the window, "Right," he said, looking at the galaxy around them.

"Mommy, I'm hungry," he hears Elysium say.

"Me too," Eilam adds. The Doctor looks back at his wife, suddenly feeling her caution along with the twin's slight distress. He sees Ivy take out the twins glasses and hand them to them and it raised red flags how quickly they put them on. 'Somebody jinxed this ship by giving it its name,' Ivy spoke mentally, 'Many people are going to die and I can't do anything to stop it.'

"I'm going to go find them some food," she said out loud. The Doctor nodded, then hearing someone announce, "Attention all passengers. The Titanic is now in orbit above Sol Three, also known as Earth. Population, Human. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Christmas."

"Max Capricorn Cruiseliners. The fastest, the farthest, the best. And I should know because my name is Max," was played on a screen, the bald man with the fancy mustache in the screen smiled showing his gold tooth before disappearing and the logo appears. Ivy had handed off a fake passenger bracelet along with a dinner jacket and bow tie to her husband, "Don't knock the bow tie, bow ties are cool," she said before joining the kids who were eating, Teddy and Eilam also wearing their own bow ties and dinner jackets. Ivy had gotten Elysium put into a dress before putting one on herself. Elysium, taking after her mother, didn't care for dresses but knew it was to not draw attention to least her mom got her a black one.

The Doctor was wandering again, not surprising, and he passes the Steward, "Merry Christmas, sir," the Steward said.

"Merry Christmas," he replies.

A cocky man was on the phone near him, "It's not a holiday for me, not while I've still got my vone. Now do as I say and sell," he demands, walking away from the Doctor. The Time Lord then steps up to the nearest angel, "Evening. Passenger fifty seven. Terrible memory, uh, remind me. You would be?" he asked.

A ding was heard and a gravely robotic voice responds, "Information. Heavenly Host supplying tourist information."

"Good, so, tell me, because I'm an idiot, where are we from?" he asked, hoping the angel wouldn't catch on to how stupid that question was.

"Information. The Titanic is en route from the planet Sto in the Cassavalian Belt. The purpose of the cruise is to experience primitive cultures," the robot responds.

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