The End of the World

Start from the beginning

Eleven looked at him and nodded slowly, "I don't know how old Fifteen is, but when you were with me, you became older than me. Technically so did Amy," he explained. Amy's eyes were now wide.

Clara raised a finger, "You're just confusing," Twelve stated. Clara shrugged with a nod and didn't pursue a further explanation. Eleven looked back in confusion, now Rory realized why Clara looked familiar, "Why does she look like Oswin?" he asked Eleven.

"Why does Twelve look like Caecilius? And Amy look like one of the women who kidnapped me in Pompeii?" Donna asked Ten.

"I can't explain Clara but there was another version of her," Eleven explained.

"Yes, and that's why he went to go find modern me," Clara answered.

"I don't know," Ten answered Donna, "I have a repeat, so I really don't know," he added, now looking back at Fourteen who grinned back at him.

Eleven looked at Amy, "You really do look like one of Donna's wonder you had a thing for Romans," he said. Amy, once again, had wide eyes.

The Doctor moved around the console again, now stopping right next to Adalyn (he couldn't help himself) and looked at Rose, "Ten thousand years in the future. Step outside, it's the year 12005, the new Roman Empire," he said with a smile.

"You think you're so impressive," Rose teased.

"I am so impressive," the Doctor argued.

"I'm sold," Adalyn said with a shrug.

"But how much further could you go?" Rose asked, her arms crossed.

Adalyn gestured her head in Rose's direction, "That's the question. Handsome, how far will you go?"

The Doctor momentarily paused, 'These two would be challenging,' he thought with a smile, "Right then, you asked for it. I know exactly where to go. Hold on!" he told the two who grab the railing as the TARDIS shook more. Adalyn's motorcycle was parked in the corner, the TARDIS providing a chain to keep the bike standing up.

"I stand by my statement, you two are challenging," Nine said.

Adalyn and Rose looked at him in offence while Jack snickered, "Jack's not better," Nine added.

"Oh, wait until they meet these two," Ten said, motioning to Martha and Donna.

The TARDIS stops, "Where are we? What's out there?" Rose asked excitedly. The Doctor gestures them out. Adalyn took his hand to follow the excited blonde out the door.

They see they landed in an empty room with a big viewing window that showed the Earth in the distance. "You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying—,"

"I don't," Adalyn said, interrupting the Doctor.

"Where's the lie?" Robbie asked sarcastically.

"Nowhere in sight," the God of Lies replied just as sarcastically.

"Humans spend all their time thinking about dying, like they're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids," the Doctor started, correcting himself first, "But you never take time to imagine the impossible, that maybe you survive. This is the year five point five slash apple slash twenty six. Five billion years in your future, this is the day..." the Doctor trails off looking at his watch, "Hold on," he adds as the sun starts to flare around the planet, glowing red, "This is the day the Sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world," he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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