Nowhere To Run

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Like the driver said there was a little inn further down the road. By the time me and the beautiful stranger get inside, layers and layers of snow begin to come down onto the little streets filling up the planters, and weighing down the awnings. 

"Well, that was unexpected," I chuckle to the brown-eyed young woman. 

She furrows her eyebrows at me scrunching her face and rearing back, skeptical. I shrug, and inwardly smile, Okay then. 

Before I can ring the little bell on the counter, a grey haired woman comes from a door in the back. She looks surprised, until she notices the snowy weather outside. 

"What can I do for you, love?" She says drying her hands on a tea towel. 

I grin warmly towards her, "Two rooms, if you wouldn't mind?"

She tilts her head slightly, eyeing me and Miss Grump behind me swiping at the snow out of her short brown locks. 

Sadly, I say in my mind, We're not together. 

Containing her thoughts, the owner grabs a key off the rack behind her prepared to reach for another, but there are none left. Her hand slowly pulls away from the rack and she looks at me apologetically.

"Sorry," she hands me the keys which I take gratefully, "We only have one left."

The lady sighs and mumbles, "The blizzard had to just come back during tourist season."

I speak up, "No problem, thank you ma'am." 

Taking out my wallet, prepared to pay - the woman places her hand up, stopping me.

"You stay here for as long as you need, these circumstances give you a free pass."

Circumstances...That cannot be a coincidence, I ponder. 

My wallet aside I respond, "Thank you, if there is anything you need-"

"tutut," She waves her hand, "no need."

Turning back to the grumpy young woman I explain, "So-"

"No," She marches to the counter, demanding and the old woman raises an eyebrow at her, "Is there some way out of this town, sooner rather than later?"

The owner shakes her head looking sternly at the girl, "You are not getting out of town in this weather. And certainly, not with that attitude."

As the old woman disappears to the back of the establishment, the young woman slams her hands on the edge of the counter. 

"You have got to be kidding me!" She says exasperated.

"Usually I am," I humour her, "But we might as well make it work."

I wink, she looks at me baffled, "Excuse me?"

"Come along," I wave for her to follow and make my way up the stairs beside the counter. 

Footsteps pounding behind me, I grin like a kid getting a shiny new toy, works every time. 

Though I know for a fact that inviting a woman up to a room with me this time isn't for personal reasons. 

Clicking the lock in place I walk into the little, one bed apartment. A little kitchen lays asleep in the corner and there is a door next to it leading to an intricately tiled bathroom. 

I put my duffel bag down onto the scarily, frilly bedspread and say to the stranger, "Remitri, lovely to meet you." 

I pull out my phone from the inside pocket of my coat, re-scheduling my itinerary. However, there is no word from my fellow roommate. I look to the door, and she still stands there stunned, not sure what to do with herself.  

Locking the door behind her, I nudge her further into the apartment, "It's cold, could you light some of the candles for me? There is a lighter over there."

I point to the dresser and she fumbles with her hands pulling at them, they almost turn white. Lighting the candles myself, Miss Grump begins to come back to life and looks around the room, panicked almost. She swivels back for the door which I  luckily anticipated, having experience in understanding various clients for my business, pinching the back of her jacket I drag her back and towards the arm chair in another corner. 

"There's nowhere to run, Darling," I whisper in her ear, "This has been established."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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