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"All passengers boarding flight 1-H, your flight is boarding now." The intercom echoed through the large room.

Saul and Fabbi got up from their seats and headed for the line.

They hadn't spoken about the night again.

"I'm so glad we were able to get first class this time. Those coach seats were just awful." Fabbi pushed his hair behind his ear and glanced to Saul. "Are you going to be okay in there?"

Saul kept his eyes glued to the floor. "Yeah, I'll be fine."

"What's with you? You've been acting weird since breakfast."

"I'm fine. There's nothing wrong." Saul turned and gave Fabbi a half hearted smile before letting his face drop again.

Fabbi hummed suspiciously, but let it go.


Fabbi was right... These seats are much better..

Saul was amazed at how much different it was in the first class seating. The seats were larger, he couldn't see the passengers sitting right next to them, they had drinks before the plane had even left the ground. He could get used to this.

"I assume you want to talk about work?" Fabbi sipped at his Bloody Mary, leafing through his briefing notes from the day before. He ran his fingers along the ink of Saul's handwritten notes. The small rivers int he paper where he wrote came Fabbi a warm feeling inside that he couldn't explain.

"Do you always assume that about me?" Saul looked out the window and all the work happening outside. So many things to do... so many jobs... just to get people in the air...

"Am I wrong to assume? It's all you've wanted to talk about this whole time anyways." Fabbi shrugged and played with the celery in his glass. "Why, something else on your mind?"

Before Saul could formulate an answer, the speakers over head buzzed. "Hello, I am Jack Wellings, I will be your pilot this afternoon. Today we are going to be traveling to Fresno, California. The skies are looking pretty clear, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the smooth flight. And make sure to try the peanuts, they are delicious."

Saul let out a tense breath he was holding.

Fabbi reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder, noting the way his muscles tensed under his touch. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"Fine, Loso. Just peachy."

Fabbi huffed. "You've been shutting me out all day. I thought it might be because of the plane, but I guess not." He moved his hand away.

"Since when did you ever care about me enough to worry about me like that?"

There was an edge to Saul's voice that made Fabbi hesitate. He didn't sound mad, he sounded more hurt. Fabbi had an idea of why.

"Saul... Are you still messed up about what I said about last night?"

Saul didn't respond. Fabbi decided to take a chance...

He slowly crept his hand to Saul's outer thigh. "Can I make it up to you somehow?"

Saul jolted and looked over. He was baffled that Fabbi was trying to initiate anything of the sorts after the way he acted this morning. But he couldn't help but yearn for it...

"Fabbi..." he started, cautiously. He inhaled sharply as he felt Fabbi's hand move further up his thigh and start moving in.

"Do you want me to stop?" Fabbi kept his voice low. He reached up and pressed the 'do not disturb' button on their control panel so they wouldn't have to worry about distraction.

Saul considered everything. How they left things off this morning, how they had been this whole time and before, how damn good Fabbi felt...

He shook his head and looked out at the clouds rolling past them.

Fabbi grinned and grabbed his coat, placing it over the scene they were starting. He let his hand wander further than his thigh, feathering his fingers around Saul's crotch.

Oh god... Fabbi.. please don't hurt me...

I want to watch you unravel and fall apart under my hand, Saul. Just so I can't fix you up and do it all again.

Fabbi started working on Saul's button and fly with his hand, getting the job done with the skill of someone that had done it before. It took everything Saul had not to moan at the ease of Fabbi's actions.

Fabbi shoved his hand into Saul's pants and groped his crotch. The bottom gasped in return and turned his face away.

No, no, none of that. Fabbi reached his free hand up and grabbed Saul's chin, forcing his head back to face his. "You keep your eyes on me, Saul."

The look Saul gave was enough to make Fabbi's pants tighter.

He grinned and stroked the outline of Saul's cock outside his underwear. Saul bucked his hips forward against the touch.

"So needy~." Fabbi hummed softly, pulling at Saul's briefs to get them down.

"D-don't... don't tease—"

Fabbi chuckled lowly. He gripped around Saul's girth, stroking him at a sudden fast pace.

The movement made Saul grip the armrest and suppress a moan with his hand. He shut his eyes tight and let his head fall back to rest on the seat, his curls falling over his eyes.

What a gorgeous fucking mess.

Fabbi leaned in and connected his lips with Saul's, hoping he would return it. He did, very eagerly.

As they made out, Fabbi stroked Saul's length at a steady medium pace. The touch made Saul shiver and squirm.

Fabbi wanted to give him more though. Show him what he can do for him. Anything.

He pulled himself begrudgingly away from Saul's lips, making him whine.

He then pulled the armrest up and of the way, so that he could lean down and swiftly take Saul's cock into his mouth.

"F-Fabbi—!" Saul whisper shouted. He looked out the window and whimpered, feeling Fabbi start to lick around him. His tongue was like pure ecstasy and Saul wanted to stay high on it forever.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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