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Fabbi was a wreck. His suit was too tight, the lighting in this room was hurting his eyes, and Saul Pine wouldn't stop making this stupid face at him.

It was something like a smile, or maybe a grin, but whatever it was, it made it hard for Fabbi to stand still. Saul had these dimples, Fabbi was just noticing, that only appeared when he made this face, smiled that big. It was driving him up the wall.

"Mr. Loso? Do you have an answer?" The click of a camera brought the rep back to the moment.

"Uh... I.. can you please repeat the question?"

The look was gone from Saul's face, replaced with one of worry now. It suited him much less, Fabbi decided.

"Yes of course. We simply wish to know the course of action being taken to ensure this doesn't happen again?"

Fabbi licked his lips, trying to think of the best way to phrase that they had no plan thus far without revealing the lack of plan at all.

" We are taking very serious precautions to ensure the safety and quality of our products. A team of certified employees have been appointed to test the quality of all products before shipment to ensure that this virus never spreads again."

The crowd seem to approve of this answer, the journalist and news reporters scribbling down his words and mumbling to themselves. Fabbi, proud of his quick save, allowed himself to sigh and smile, running a hand through his long hair.

"Any more questions?"

Fabbi decided to refrain from looking Sauls way, he feared he would be met with that look again. Nothing seemed to get done when he was busy staring at Saul Pines face.

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