parties and hickies

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everyone was having a party at lavar's house and i was going with nelson, even though i hated that bitch. he always had a fuckin attitude with me for whatever reason.

i'm here


i walked outside and i got in the car. "yo" nelson said as his older brother, noah was driving. "hey" i replied dryly, looking at my phone. in 20 minutes we arrived at lavars house and we walked to the door, knocked and kendoll answered "hey y/n! you rockin that dress girl!" kendoll was like my older sister. "thank dolly, can we come in?" i asked her and she moved out the way so we could walk in. "oh y/n and nelson, lavar told me to make sure you guys stay together because me and him are hosting together so me and him have to stay together." kendoll told us. "you lying? ion fuckin like him" i said with an attitude. "ion like you either" nelson said. "i didn't fuckin ask. go dick ride someone." i said shooing him away. "y/n, no. stay with him."

i was fuckin heated i had to stay with him the whole party, but i just walked away and went to go get some punch.

"i'm gonna go get some punch, you can follow me if you want." i said with an attitude, nelson just gave me a smug look

"get me some" nelson said

"no? i thought you didn't like me?" i said looking confused.

"nevermind" nelson said crossing his arms.

i got some punch and it tasted weird, but it was good.

"nelson, the punch is good. try it." i told nelson giving him a cup.

"ok whatever" nelson took the cup and filled it with punch. "this is good" nelson said drinking more

"right" i said, drinking it


y/n was throwing her shit on nelson and everyone was hyping her up. kendoll and lavar pushed through the crowd and tore them apart.

"y/n! what are you doing girl?" kendoll said pulling her arm

"i'm partying, dolly." y/n said giggling

"no, you were throwing your ass on nelson!" kendoll said, whisper yelling

"ohh, that! oh well" y/n said, going to get more punch.


"yo, nelson, was y/n throwing her ass on you?" lavar asked me

"yeah, her shit FAT" i said, laughing at myself

"nigga, dontchu hate her?" lavar asked me again

"it is what it is" i said, shrugging and going to find y/n

i found y/n by the punch and she gasped

"hey nel! you wanna go upstairs?" she asked me drinking her punch

"i'm down" i told her, y/n started looking around

"fuck it" is the last thing she said before smashing her lips onto mine and started walking upstairs


i was walking upstairs while pratically making out with nelson. when we made it to the room, nelson started kissing my neck. we sat on the bed and he was still kissing my neck. i flipped us over and i started kissing his neck for 5 minutes all over the place. i went down lower and got to his chest until i got tired.


y/n was giving me hickies all over the place and y/n had hickies on her neck and on her thighs. i was groaning while she was still giving me hickies. she stopped after about 10 minutes.

"ok, nelson, i'm tired" y/n said laying down

"me too" i laid down next to her

"goodnight nelson" y/n said and she kissed me. on the lips.

"goodnight n/n" and we fell asleep


i woke up all groggy and with a headache. i saw nelson next to me, and i was confused. i got up and went to the bathroom. i walked in the bathroom and looked in the mirror and saw hickies.

"what. the. fuck." i said rubbing my neck. i looked down and saw hickies on my thighs.

"NELSON! GETCHO WHITE ASS IN HERE!" i yelled and nelson came running in

"wha?" nelson said groggy too

"did you give me these?" i said looking at him

"yeah? you gave me some too" nelson said

"oh shit." after i said that kendoll and lavar came walking in, looking tired.

"i knew this shit would happen" lavar said rubbing his eyes

"didn't we all?" kendoll replied to lavar

"shut up!" me and nelson said at the same time

"whatever" kendoll said putting her hands up in defense

"ok, i know why i did this. 1, i drank. 2, i like you" i said

"you do?" nelson asked me

"yeah, i do" i told him

"i like you too, can i be your boyfriend?" (HE GOTTA ASK RIGHT YALL)

"yes!" i said hugging and kissing him

"i love you, y/n" nelson said

"i love you too, nel" i replied


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