chapter 9 - regular day of an angel

Start from the beginning

The next morning , got out of the house after transforming into his hero form and went to the beach , there a pile of trash was left there abandoned by the city, allmight was concerned about the marine life living in the area so he decided he would clean it by himself, getting to work he move one huge truck out of the beach throwing it out at the entrance where he would call the local dump truck to pick up, an hour has passed since he started ,feeling so drained he decided to end it for today and turn's back into his skinny form while staring at the sea.


Upon a small voice his expression instantly became joyful,he turned around and saw his son walking up to him carrying a basket and clothes for him ,

Toshinori" is that for me ?" He ask
Izuku nod as a response smilling

Toshinori brighten up as he was about to dot on him but then realized that Izuku was a white coat and went wide eyes remembering that it was Izuku's day at the hospital

Toshinori " Izuku sorry I completely forgotten that you are going to the hospital today , let's go we'll eat on the road"

As usual Izuku nodded taking his father's hand as the two walk towards the hospital .

Walking down the hall Izuku was taken to one of the patient's rooms , there met doctor akane who was a good friend of toshinori who smiled seeing the two

Akane " toshi Izuku so glad you're here "

Toshinori "hey"

Akane "Izuku could you please heal this one*points at the patient's lying on the bed* he got shot we already removed the bullet we just need a quick healing so he wouldn't die from blood lost"

Izuku understood as he let go of his father's hand to go heal the patients while he was doing this toshinori and akane chatted in the other room.

Akane"I saw you two on TV you two were amazing "

Toshinori"ummm.... Yeah...."

Akane"I can tell your not happy about it"

Toshinori "of course I am , my son was fighting a villain, he could have been hurt...."

Akane"why are you worried about that ? you know you're son is much more powerful than you"

Toshinori"*sigh* I know but what if villain's began to target him ?"

Akane"well he has you and besides look at him his an amazing kid"

Toshinori" your right but still"

Akane"stop that your way over protective I'm sure no matter what happens to him his going to be fine"

Akane went back to his patients with Izuku helping him out and toshinori watch this and smile.

At noon Izuku was left alone with nemuri helping him out with watering the flowers and vegetables growing in Izuku's backyard since Allmight had an unexpected mission nemuri volunteer on watching him while his gone ,

Now both sat down by the living garden drinking juice and eating some snacks

Nemuri " Mmmm~ man this cookies are the best , can't believe toshi made them"

Then she looked at Izuku who was also enjoying his snack, she smiled while patting his head thinking how much Izuku has grown over the past years ,remembering how they found him inside the laboratory made her wonder what would happen to Izuku if they didn't rescue him .

Izuku notice her sadness seeing as the shadow figure behind her became blue

Izuku "sad"

She couldn't hear what he was saying so she ask what it was but Izuku just shake his head

Nemuri "hmm okay then , come on let's go inside it's hot out here"she got up and grab Izuku's hand to which he took and they both went inside

The next day Izuku was with nezu playing chess while Izuku was answering some test nezu gave him at the same time , but surprisingly nezu was loosing even though Izuku had his head stacked on the test his hand move like it has a mind of its own and with one final move Izuku won and finish his test at the same time .

As always nezu was delighted, ever since he and Izuku started playing chess together, nezu would rarely win on match against him and what surprising is that Izuku has a higher IQ then him , nezu who was known as the world's most intelligent creature was easy beaten by a child how Ironic.

Nezu"you never seize to amaze me Izuku , again a perfect score and with 40 minutes to spare that's a new record"

Izuku nodded now drinking some tea made by rg herself

Rg" gave it a rest nezu , Izuku just came from the hospital let him relaxed"

Nezu"of course! Izuku why don't you go sit at the couch over there"

Nodding he did as told and went over to say down on the couch reading a book that was lying on the table

Rg"dear how was your trip at the hospital?"she said sitting down beside him

Izuku"good"he spoke quietly to which rg smiled at him

She thought if she would ask him some questions and talk to him maybe then he would actually speak a full sentences at least that's she hope for .

Rg"it's nice to hear that you're enjoying your time volunteering to help patient's at the hospital, have made some friends?" She asked , he slightly nodded

Rg"really!? That's amazing what their name dear" she was happy Izuku found a friend. But then Izuku pointed at the Three by the window


The old lady sigh a bit disappointed but happy Izuku made a friend even if it's not human . Moments later nezu join them in the couch.

Nezu" so Izuku are you going to join the battle examination?" He ask which Izuku reply with a nodded.


Rg"oh dear ..."

Nezu"but keep this a secret to your father so he wouldn't freak out"

Rg "yes is a bit of a .... Ermm"

Nezu"possessive overprotective doting dad"


Both sigh remembering how toshinori would reach when six years old Izuku got a small paper cut on his finger and toshinori was like a crazy person running around for nothing finding all sorts of treatment for Izuku's very small cut.

On the other hand the two were excited , they can't wait to see Izuku's capabilities not just in the written but also in the battlefield exam , oh what fun it would be, they just hope that toshinori wouldn't find out about before the exam

Word count 2253 thanks for reading!


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