Chapter 41: Newfound Freedom

Start from the beginning

"Angel, no, wait, this is-," Angel hung up the phone. He grabbed the rolled up paper and rushed over to the map room. Just as he thought. When he connected this paper with the map they used to map out the war. It connects like a puzzle piece. Which means, there's much more out there and it's run by someone else. But who? Beneath the map, it's a name. D-R-A-C-U-L-A. This area belongs to...

"Dracula, so, he does exist." Angel stepped back. Just the name was enough to strike him with fear. A vampire who needed no introduction. Powerful enough to have territory more than three times the size of their entire map. He owns that much of the world compared to him. This is a tiny spec of land. But at least, He had a heading.

If Dracula exists and owns all of this land. He and Raven could venture out to his territory and hopefully plead their case with him. The chances were slim, but there was a chance. Dracula might listen. He might give them a chance. But getting to him would be difficult.

In order to do that, he had to cross the battlefield. Which would make him fair game for Lord Grimm and Lord Alexander. Not only that Liley might even try to stop them. The last thing anyone would want is for Dracula to get involved. Hence why Lord Alexander made sure nobody knew he existed. This was going to be a feat, close to impossible. But, it presented them a chance to be heard and that's all he needed. He took a quick picture of the map with his phone. As he was rolling up the map. His cell phone started to ring again. This time, he answered it right away.

"Okay, Claire," Angel locked the door to the map room. "You have my full attention. What's going on?"

"They know," The second Claire said those words. Angel knew what this meant. Lycan is going to kill Raven. "Look, you don't have a lot of time, you need to-," There was a small break in the words and Claire's voice switched to Raven's. 

"Lord Alexander knows it's you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, I didn't mean to-,"

"It's okay, I'm not mad just as long as you're okay. I'll manage." Angel assured her. He could hear her crying over the phone. He wasn't sure what they did to her to make her talk. Whatever it was, it wasn't good. She sounded like she was in a lot of pain. He could hear Claire in the background telling Raven to get some rest. There was a pause again and the voice switched back to Claire's.

"Look, Angel," Claire spoke. "Brandon and I rescued her from Lord Grimm's castle. But, we barely got there in time and things aren't looking good over here. You told me she was it, that you wanted to be with her, kids and all, she's the one you want. Right now, she needs you. So if what you told me is true, then, it's time to prove it. Because we can't do this without you."

"I'll be right there," Angel opened the door to the map room. "Claire, please look after Raven. Do whatever you can to help her until I get there." He hung up the phone. Once he got to his bedroom. He began shoving his clothes into a bag. He started cleaning out his closet then moved onto his private bathroom. Once it was clear, he started packing up his dresser. Now that his stuff was packed there was only one thing left for him to do.

Angel opened his nightstand drawer taking out envelopes with the names of his teammates on it. It was time for him to say goodbye. He left the envelopes in each of their respective rooms. One for Selene, one for Fate, one for Scythe, one for Jayden, one for Ziek, and one for Brandon. Last on the list was. He walked into Blaire's room. He placed the divorce papers on her dresser. His signature was already placed on the line. He took off his wedding ring and placed it on the papers. He took out the envelope with Blaire's name on it and placed it on top of the papers.

"I really wanted to keep my promise to your father. The problem is, I can't save you from yourself. Only you can do that." Angel walked out of Blaire's bedroom. Now that he's said his goodbyes, there was one last place he had to visit.

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