Chapter 10: Closed Door

Start from the beginning

Why was that look on his student's face? Why did he seem so surprised? Why was there an uncomfortable twisting in his gut as he looked at his injured student?

"Yes," Shoutaa responded and the man watched as Midoriya practically sank into the infirmary bed and let out a shaky breath.

The twisting in Shouta's gut worsened.


Shouta stayed with Midoriya after he told Kaminari and Uraraka to go back to class. The two students didn't leave before giving Midoriya a hug and fussed more over him. The green-haired boy laughed when Kaminari kissed his forehead while he held the boy's face in his hands.

"Uraraka and I'll take care of Bakugou if he does something again, so don't you worry your pretty little green head." He said before walking away.

Shouta saw the fighting duo (as he now dubbed them) share a fist bump before walking out the infirmary. He'd have to make sure to keep an eye on those two when he went back to class.

"Did they really punch Bakugou?" Midoriya asked him.

"Yes and Kaminari electrocuted him for a few seconds."

Aizawa saw the problem child smirk.

"Nice. I knew since Gunhead that Uraraka has a brutal punch and Kaminari has gotten better with his quirk. Can I ask you to not punish them?"

The hero let out a huff of amusement. "I didn't plan to, kid. This happened during All Might's class, so let's just say Bakugou needs to work on his defense against sudden attacks."

"Sounds good to me."


It was odd sharing a joke with Aizawa-sensei.

The man had always had a serious demeanor and a tendency to focus on what was logical. But here he was, joking with Izuku. Izuku liked it.

He liked how Aizawa-sensei wasn't looking at him in disdain or annoyance. The teacher had obviously been pulled away from something to see Midoriya in the infirmary, but not once had he mentioned it or complained. Instead, he asked Izuku how he was feeling and apologized to him.

Izuku wasn't used to that.

"Midoriya," his teacher said and Izuku was yet again surprised to see concern in his teacher's eyes.

"What was going on before the match? The other two told me you looked sick and were leaning against Shoji."

Ah yes, that.

Could Izuku just tell Aizawa-sensei that it was his anxiety getting so bad that he had an anxiety attack that made him feel like he was about to fall and throw up? Could he tell his teacher that it felt like he was going to pass out when he heard he was going to fight Bakugou and All Might said that the match would continue as planned? Could he tell him that he kept catching himself forgetting that he was at UA and thought that he was back in middle school, when he didn't have a quirk and didn't know how to fight back? Could he tell him that he had wished he was laying on the bar floor looking up at Dabi and Spinner instead of in class with All Might?

Izuku looked at Aizawa-sensei's dark eyes, eyes that had dark circles underneath like his very own. The hero already looked so tired, he always looked like he was one missed drink coffee away from falling asleep.

Could Izuku bring himself to put one more thing on Aizawa-sensei's plate? Was it worth it, did it even matter anymore?

Izuku has already dealt with these things on his own for so long. Never having friends to tell them about his troubles. Never confiding in teachers or adults he trusted (not that he ever trusted any adults before).

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