Chapter 17: The Death

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"Okay. Okay. And how do we do that?" I question quickly.

"We need to get her to Metro-General. Christine can help," he says, looking back down.

"How far away is that?" I ask. He doesn't answer. "Stephen, how far away is the hospital?" yet again, no answer. He's too focused on the Ancient One. I look at the crowd that surrounds us. Their phones are out recording the scene. That's when an idea pops into my head. 

"How far is Metro-General from here?!" I scream out. No one seems to hear me. I take my hand off Stephen and step back. "Hey, anyone! How far is Metro-General from here?!" I scream again, this time with anger and panic laced in my voice. No response. I see a few people looking back at me and some rolling their eyes. That's it. I've had it. I storm over to the nearest person. They look at me with a confused look. I wave my hand in front of his phone. "Hey, instead of recording a dying woman like a moron how about you look up how far away Metro-General is," I say in his face. I probably look like a crazy woman with my clothes and my scarred face.

"I- Uh..." he stutters. The girl beside him nudges his shoulder.

"Look it up, babe. This person is dying," she says with concern. He looks at her and nods.

"Okay, yeah." He stops recoding and looks at his phone for a minute. He looks back up. "It's a twenty-minute walk and about an eight-minute drive," he says.

"Thank you," I say to him. I turn to the girl. "Thank you so much." She smiles and nods.

"Of course." I turn back around and run over to Stephen.

"It's a twenty-minute walk, but we can take a cab," I explain. He snaps his head at me with wide eyes.

"No. No cab," he says with a scared tone.

"Why not? It will be a lot quicker?" I ask confusedly.

"Because I said so," he snaps back. I back up from shock and shake my head.

"Okay. Okay, that's fine, but twenty minutes is too long," I say. He shakes his head.

"You're right. She won't las that long. She's losing blood. Fast."

"What else can we do?" I question. That's when his eyes light up.

"Y/n, come over here and see if she has her sling ring," he says, turning back to her. I run over and bend down. I can see the blood pool forming around us on the concert. It makes me nauseous. I can see that Stephen's hands are pressed on her wound made by Kaecilius' glass sword. His hands are visibly shaking. She's all battered and bleeding. "Y/n, the sling ring," he says again knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Okay, yeah," I say, nodding my head. I look down to her hands nearest to me and see her sling ring. I slowly take it off of her fingers. "Okay, I found it." Stephen looks back up at me.

"Good. Now, I need you to make a portal into Metro-General," he says.

"What!? No, I can't do that. I've only been there once. I forgot what it even looks like. What about you? Or Mordo?" I ask with fear in my voice.

"I can't let go of the Ancient One. My hand is the only think preventing her from bleeding out, and Mordo has never even been to New York City for all I know. You are the only one that can do it," he explains.

"Stephen, I- I don't think I can. You haven't prepared me for this. I've only done it once, and I almost died," I say, my breathing starting to get erratic.

"Look at me, kid. Y/n, look at me," he says calmly. I look into his eyes. I can see the fear and the panic, but I can also see that he is trying to stay calm for me. "You have to do this. You are the Ancient One's only hope."

Forevermore (Doctor Strange x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang