Chapter 18: A Letter from Home

Start from the beginning

Daniela grabbed the letter and dashed into the hall. She spotted Nicole.

"Nicole!" she cried out. "Fetch Captain Phillips as soon as you can and bring him to the lower level."

"But—" Nicole started.

Daniela didn't wait for her to finish. She hurried to the east wing to Baron Lansing's quarters. If this was about to become as serious as she thought, she would need some help.

"Your Majesty? What is the matter?" Baron Lansing was still in his dressing robe.

"Baron, I am sorry, but it's urgent." Daniela thrust the letter in front of him and pointed out the line about Frederico. "I think Lynette lied. Or at least concealed something much worse than we ever thought."

The Baron read the line in question, then skimmed the whole letter. "You suspect the Brasadoran Prince? Why would he be involved at all?"

"I really do not know. It could be nothing. But if it isn't..."

"Yes, I understand. Give me a moment."

Daniela caught her breath while the Baron went back to his room to dress. As soon as he came out, they hurried down and met Nicole and the captain outside Lynette's cell.

Daniela turned the handle, hesitant to see the state Lynette was in. She had given up on all her finery, and wore only a long chemise down to her feet. She was composed, but did not look up as Daniela, the Baron, and the captain came in.

Baron Lansing coughed and began. "Lady Lynette. The punishment for murder is up to the king's discretion. You may be imprisoned for many years. However, the punishment for treason is always death."

Lynette flinched at the word 'treason', but she did not move or speak.

"Did Prince Frederico put you up to this, Lynette?" Daniela tried to sound as gentle as possible. "Did he make you kill Lord Sutton? Is he planning something else?"

Lynette trembled slightly.

"We can only help you if you tell us, Lynette." Daniela spoke in a near whisper.

They waited silently as Lynette's shaking became more uncontrollable. Tears splashed down to the stone floor, leaving dark splotches. Slowly, Lynette slid off the bed and dropped to her knees. She crawled forward and touched Daniela's shoes with her fingertips. Then she gripped Daniela's dress and finally looked up. She was a completely different person. Her eyes were sunken and dark. Her lips were dry and bitten.

"Please." Lynette's voice cracked. "Please help me. Please, please, please..." She trailed off. "I will tell you everything, please..."

Daniela lowered herself to the floor and Lynette's grip tightened on her skirt. Captain Phillips moved forward, but Daniela silently waved him back. Lynette seemed more like a sick child than a killer. There was nothing to fear.

"From the beginning." Baron Lansing took out a book and quill to make notes.

Lynette looked up at all of them, and began slowly. "It was not Duke Pearson I was sleeping with. It was Prince Frederico." She looked into Daniela's eyes for reassurance, and continued. "I... I approached him first. I wanted to seduce him, and I thought I succeeded. He said he loved me. He said he would make me a queen. And then, he started asking me to do things. He asked me to bring messages to Duke Pearson. I didn't know what they were about, I swear. I know I shouldn't have done it, but it seemed harmless.

"One night, Frederico and I were in my bed. Duke Pearson just barged in and started arguing about something with Frederico. They got more and more upset. The duke was yelling, and Lord Sutton must have heard him, because he knocked on the door. Frederico hid, so when Lord Sutton came in, it looked like Duke Pearson had been in my bed. The rest of what I said before is true. Sutton started asking me for money, and asking for more after the duke left. But that's not why I killed him. He found out, somehow. I don't know how, but he found out Frederico was involved, and he said he would investigate and tell everyone. I wrote to Frederico... and Frederico told me to kill Lord Sutton."

Lynette began to cry again. "He said he would save me. He said I could still be the Queen of Brasador. He was going to send for me the day after I did it! I waited for days!" Lynette collapsed and wept on Daniela's knee.

"And their plan?" Baron Lansing asked. "Do you know anything about the notes they were sending? Or their argument? Why were they working together?"

Lynette nodded and sat up. "I've been trying to figure out what their argument meant ever since Duke Pearson left for the north. I think I understand it now. It was all planned. Frederico funded the invasion that's happening in the north. The invaders, they're all mercenaries, and Frederico had it planned before he even arrived for the wedding. When he came here, he realized the duke could help him. Duke Pearson could go north and pretend to be losing so that King Charles would follow. Then he could sabotage their efforts and continue supplying the invaders with money and supplies. Once the king's army was weakened or defeated, Frederico could attack Aramdeau from Brasador."

"Brasador is planning to attack?" Captain Phillips interjected.

Lynette nodded.

"I do not understand," Baron Lansing said. "How does Duke Pearson benefit from having his homeland invaded?"

"He wants the throne, of course." Lynette said it like the most obvious thing in the world. "He has always thought that the crown should have gone to his father, King Edmund's younger brother, instead of to Charles. But Lazarus Pearson was loyal to Charles and would not even try. Prince Frederico doesn't just want to take back some land. He wants to win completely. He wants to dethrone Charles and prop Leo Pearson up on the throne of Aramdeau."

The listeners exchanged glances in silence. This was a nightmare.

"Is that everything?" Daniela's voice came out weakly.

"Yes, that's all I know."

"I still don't understand why. Did you really get involved in all of this, did you really kill a man, just because you thought you could be Queen of Brasador?"

Lynette pulled away, and her sharp glare returned. "Is that not reason enough? Don't you think I would make a good queen?"


"It was your place I was really after, you know." Lynette sneered. "Your marriage should never have happened. My father owns the richest lands in all of Aramdeau. I would have made the kingdom richer and stronger than ever! I was supposed to marry Charles! Me! ME!"

Lynette lunged at Daniela. The captain looped an arm around Lynette's waist and pulled her back. Baron Lansing helped Daniela scramble up off the floor and out of the cell.

Nicole was waiting for them in the hall with her mouth open in shock at all she had heard. Captain Phillips closed and locked the door behind them, while Lynette pounded on it and shouted.

"We have to hurry." Baron Lansing led the way up the stairs. "I will gather the council and report everything. We need to ready the reserve troops immediately. An attack could come at any time."

Baron Lansing split off when they got upstairs and hurried away.

"Captain, you should prepare the guardsmen for any possible attack. We have no idea what to expect," Daniela said as they rushed to the west wing. "I need to get word to the king as soon as possible. He could be in danger. Do you have a man who can go at once?"

"I will take it myself," the captain said.

Daniela nodded, but Nicole stopped in her tracks and grabbed Captain Phillips' arm.

"No! No, you can't! It's too dangerous!"

"Nicole, please..." The captain tried to pull away, but Nicole wouldn't yield.

Daniela didn't have time to wait, and knew they could use a moment to themselves. "I will write my letter and bring it to you at the front gate."

She hurried to her room alone, and grabbed some parchment. She scribbled as fast as she could all she had learned from Lynette. Thankfully, the captain would be there and could explain anything she missed.

As soon as Daniela got the letter into Captain Phillips' hands, he galloped away. Daniela held Nicole tightly. There was nothing left to do but wait.

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