Chapter 4: Penis Pimples is coming...

Start from the beginning

"What is all that noise?"

A large being was floating in front of the planet. She had long, beige hair and yellow eyes. "Us" P. Pimples and Amel Waton said at the same time. P. Pimples looked up in the sky. "Damn you're massive!" She said. "Can you guys keep quiet." The being said. She looked like a human though. She wore a yellow sweater without her shoulders covered and a long purple skirt. "Uhm No. You're not my mom." Amel Waton replied. "Amel Waton, we're gonna end up in another fight!" Rumia said like a strict mom. Even though she was the youngest. "Oh I'm not going to fight. I'm just going to destroy the entire planet. That's easier than fighting mini people." The being said. She started casting a spell. "Not again..." Amel Waton said while P. Pimples looked wide eyed at her. "What the hell have you done?!" She said. Amel Waton sighed. "Don't worry, I have a plan. Come here." Rumia and P. Pimples got closer. "What is it?" Rumia said. "Okay so..." she grabbed something from underneath her hat. "I have this little bottle of bleach." She held it up. "I'm gonna throw it all in her eye."
"But how are you gonna reach her eye?" Rumia asked. "Our solution is right here!" She pointed her fingers at P. Pimples. "Yaaay!" P. Pimples said while playing along with Amel Waton's energetic explanation. "I don't get it..." Rumia crossed her arms. "It's simple." Amel Waton explained. "You guys are gonna throw me there. Ya know, like a human catapult." "Woah woah woah there's no way I'm that strong." Rumia said. "Well I mean, that low quality stuff made us pretty damn fast..." Amel Waton argumented. "Yeah that's true." Rumia clapped her hands. "Alright let's try it!" P. Pimples and Rumia put their hands together. Amel Waton climbed on their hands. She started counting. "Alright, 3... 2..."
Rumia and P. Pimples swung her up. "WOAAAH! I wasn't finished counting!" She yelled while getting launched into the sky. "You didn't say anything about launching you on one!" P. Pimples yelled back. "Are you there yet?!" Rumia yelled. "I'm almost at her shoulders!" Amel Waton yelled back from the atmosphere. "That are some nice looking shoulders though..." she said to herself. Her momentum started to slow down. It might take a while to get to her eyes.

Meanwhile on the ground Rumia and P. Pimples  saw the sky turn green. "Amel Waton hurry she's almost done casting her spell!!" Rumia panicked.

"God dammit" Amel Waton said. She landed on the being's cheek and ran up. She sped up. More and more until she saw the weird lines again. In a hurry she opened the bottle of bleach and jumped off the cheek. "Hi there." Amel Waton said to the being. "What the-"

"What is that supposed to be? Some kind of-"
The being paused for a second.
"That's bleach." P. Pimples said while chuckling.
"GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUT!" The being said. "Only if you don't destroy our planet!" Rumia said.
"OKAY I WONT JUST GET IT OUT ALREADY! WAIT. I'LL COME TO YOU GUYS" the being shrunk to a regular sized woman. "Alright come here" P. Pimples said. She took a small bag out of her pocket. "I always have a little medical bag with me for emergencies like these." She took out eye droplets. "Okay open your eye." P. Pimples said. Rumia got closer. She was fascinated by P. Pimples' medical skills. "Woah when did you learn to do that." She said. "I was an illegal taxi driver in the past. People always got shot and stuff. You get the skills after some time. I even managed to survive a phosphorus bomb once." She explained. "What's that?" The being asked. "Oh I know this one!" Rumia said. "Some kind of bomb that burns in contact with water right?" She asked. "Yep, your body is more than 50% water so you're pretty screwed..." P. Pimples confirmed. "How did you survive it then?" The being asked. "I just got lucky." She answered. "What's your name by the way?" Rumia asked while pointing at the being. "I'm Sarah." She looked at her hand. "Hey where did my tan go?!" Sarah said. "Must've been the bleach... I guess you're White Sarah now." P. Pimples said jokingly. Sarah pouted. "Not funny!" She said. "Okay okay sorry." P. Pimples said.
(16 minutes later)
P. Pimples finished aiding Sarah's eye. "Woah you look pretty!" Rumia said. Sarah got a little red. "Y-you think so?" She asked. "Yeah! I wanna be pretty like you!" Rumia said excitedly. "I'm happy to hear that!" Sarah smiled at her. "Don't wanna interrupt your little fashion moment but have you guys seen Amel Waton?" P. Pimples asked. "Now you mention it. Where is she?" Rumia said. "Amel Waton! Are you still here?!" P. Pimples yelled. A few seconds went by in silence, waiting for a response. Amel Waton fell out of the sky. She landed pretty well. "Oh I was just looking at space. It looks cool." She said. "You were like, gone for twenty minutes how did you survive?!" Rumia asked in suprise. "I got second in the international holding in your breath competition." She said. "Wait a minute..." P. Pimples joined the conversation. "That was you?!" She said. "Wait a minute..." Amel Waton said. "Where you third place?!" She asked. P. Pimples nodded in confirmation. "I didn't recognise you! Must've been the low quality." Amel Waton said. "No the low quality fused my face with a poster. But that poster was a male skin care poster..." P. Pimples said. "That explains the man face. And the vase. What actually happened here? I heard a huge crack and then a shock wave." Sarah said. "Oh yeah that was my fault." Amel Waton said "What actually happened?" P. Pimples asked. "So I was uhhh... touching this talking tower and it sent out a weird wave. Next thing I knew, I was low quality. It made the tower pregnant for some reason." Amel Waton explained. "Wait so you're gonna be a mother?" P. Pimples asked. Amel Waton shrugged. "Probably?" She replied. "Congratulations!" Rumia said excitedly. "Wait why aren't you low quality then?" P. Pimples pointed at Sarah. "I don't know. I just heard a loud crack and I came here." Sarah said. "Doesn't that mean it was only on Mars?" Amel Waton theorised. "Most likely." P. Pimples said. "We should ask someone who knows a lot about it." Sarah suggested. "Like a scientist?" Rumia asked. "No they're evil!" Sarah said. "Scientists aren't evil." P. Pimples butted in. "They are where I come from." Sarah said. "Where do you come from?" P. Pimples asked. "Nure, it's a planet really far from here." Sarah said. "How did you get here?" P. Pimples was curious. "I made a wormhole." Sarah pointed at the sky. "Somewhere in that direction." She added. "Interesting." P. Pimples replied. "Hey guys I gotta do something." Amel Waton said. "What are you gonna do?" P. Pimples asked. "Can we go with you?" Rumia asked. "Sell my house. And yes." Amel Waton answered them both.
With that being said, they went to V0.
(41 minutes later)
"Woah! So this is the city?" Sarah looked around amazed. "You haven't seen the coolest stuff yet." Rumia said. "Guys we're here." Amel Waton said. "Who's the buyer?" Rumia asked. "This little lady!" Amel Waton opened the door of her house. The little lady was studying the furniture. She rode a broken egg shell with wheels because her legs were too short to walk, had long white hair in a ponytail and wore sunglasses, a soother, and blue baby clothing. The egg kart thingy she rode turned around. "All the furniture is included right?" The little lady asked. "Everything except the Tv, couch and stove." Amel Waton answered. "Good enough." She said. "Wait a minute... you look like the person my mom told me about..." she added. It was quiet for a second. "DAD?!" The little lady gasped. "Call me mom 2." Amel Waton responded. "Sooo.... you came out of that tower huh?" She asked. "Yeah mom 1 is a tower." The little lady confirmed. "Anyway, let's talk business. How much for the house?" She asked. Amel Waton thought for a second.
"No way lower the price!"
"599.999,99 and I'll bring back the milk."
They shook hands. "Glad to do business with you Ms. Uhhhh...." Amel Waton thought. "Ms Reinar." Reinar said. "And glad to do business with you too Mom 2!" She added. "Would you like it in cash?" Reinar asked. "Sure." Amel Waton responded. Reinar grabbed a suitcase full of cash and put the majority of it in another suitcase. "Here ya go!" She said. "Hell yeah, I'm no longer broke! Oh, Here are the keys." Amel Waton exchanged the keys for the suitcase. "Mom 1 is gonna be so proud of me!" Reinar said to herself while driving in the house.

"You're quite the negotiator." Sarah commented. "You gotta negotiate in life." Amel Waton replied while shrugging. "True." Rumia and P. Pimples both confirmed. "Wait where are you gonna live now?!" Rumia asked in panic. "I found a new place." Amel Waton replied.

She pointed at the drylands. "Let's go to my new house!" Amel Waton said enthusiastically.

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