Withering Petals

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Ayanokouji's POV

My eyes moved from right to left as I read the message on my phone, a dim light radiating off the screen. Deciphering every word, there really wasn’t much to be honest, as I tried to look for any hidden meanings or codes but found myself with a dead end.

[9 P.M. at my office.

Sakayanagi Narumori]

An unexpected contact was initiated from what I had previously assumed was a trustworthy ally. I contemplated briefly if this was a trap set by my adversaries after bringing him into the fold through unknown means. Although, I doubt the need for something this convoluted.

If they had added the chairman into their roster then they could simply get rid of me from this school in an instant, setting aside the other theory for my current residence here of course.





The ticking of the clock resounded through the room, the sounds getting louder by the second, with it my curiosity.

Might as well check it out…

With a sigh, I grabbed my coat, its soft texture spreading through my fingertips and then to my hand as I headed out, casual clothes donned. Whether they suited me, I have yet to know, might ask Kei tomorrow.

The walk was fairly long as the dormitory was located far from the school premises, the piece of clothing hanging freely on my arm as the slight warmth of day lingered freely upon the surroundings, the dry winds causing leaves to flutter about chaotically like a protest against the summer heat’s stay, dim streaks of light illuminating the pathway, seemingly fenced by looming poles of metal to lead me to my destination.

The scenery invoking a strange melancholy from within, the calm rustling of nearby trees complimenting the ambience, urging me to stay longer. Just a little bit longer.

I imprinted it into my brain, I didn’t know why but it seemed too beautiful to be neglected, perhaps it could act as a souvenir for when I return home.

I wonder…if I’ll be here next year to witness it again.

An unnecessary thought surfaced, which I simply Ignored.


Knock Knock Knock

My knuckles rapped on the oak door, echoes bouncing through the dark and empty hallways, life nowhere to be seen, a complete contrast to the bustling crowds of students and faculties who roam during the day.

“Come in.” A dignified voice came from within.

Multiple eyes landed on me as soon as I stepped foot inside the enclosed room. Men clad in black military outfits and headgears stood as they observed my every action, their hands placed firmly on their raised rifles, fingers hovering on the triggers ready to set off at any moment. Any sudden movements serving as an invitation to start a bloodbath.

A tense atmosphere instantly swallowed the whole area, steady breathing the only sound to be heard. My eyes flickering from one person to another in rapid succession, their expressions hidden behind black tinted face shields attached to their helmets, light deflecting off of it.

Veterans huh…

???’s POV

A chill went down my spine as soon as our long-awaited guest made his timely appearance, my instincts began blaring, adrenaline pumping through my veins as I felt a grin crack on my face involuntarily.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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